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Thursday, October 31, 2019
Idenfity major literacy requirements of the PDHPE 7-10 Syllabus Essay
Idenfity major literacy requirements of the PDHPE 7-10 Syllabus - Essay Example The syllabus helps the students to participate in enjoyable physical activities. Besides, PDHPE equips the learners with the necessary skills that are essential for promoting active and healthy lifestyles in the community. This program would be essential in changing student’s attitude and value on healthcare and life skills through willingness to participate in a supportive healthcare and health-enhancing personal transformation and behavior change, and developing personal commitment to social justice health principles. However, the approaches advanced to promote this program is ineffective in all sectors. For instance, students with physical challenges and disability often suffer from being excluded in the healthcare and promotion programs proposed by the curriculum. Therefore, it is important for the special needs of the students with physical challenges to be considered. It is only through this exclusive program that the success in health and promotional program will be att ained. Therefore, it is important for the curriculum developer to identify the key academic needs of the students that would enhance their understanding and life skills and equip the learners with the skills and technical literacy knowledge in order for the students to develop deeper understanding of the concept of health and physical education (Literacy skills for the knowledge society, 2007) The main requirements for advancing student’s understanding of the literacy skills with respect to personal healthcare are increasing the students’ communication skills, problem-solving techniques, decision-making, planning, and interaction skills. These skills would be essential in increasing the students’ knowledge and understanding of the key subjects and literacy standards especially for the PDHPE 7-10 learners. To promote social justice principles in accordance with the syllabus, it is important for the institution to take care of personal and specialized needs of ind ividual students. A learner-emphasized education and training is therefore preferred for the PDHPE 7-10 students owing to the differences in the learners. The first step in developing literacy skills is effective communication skills. Students must be in a position to communicate effectively so as to enhance their interpersonal and academic skills. This calls for effective expression of ideas, concepts, and personal opinions either by verbal or non-verbal techniques (Antonacci, 2011). A combination of written and verbal communication skills is essential for the learners. Since education or learning is all about communication of ideas, it is therefore important for the learners to develop such interaction skills and technical knowledge that would make them better speakers and learners by being able to communicate or express themselves. In addition, communication and expression are not only important with the classroom but also in non-learning environments including social arena. Lear ners therefore must apply effective communication skills that are appropriate in resolving conflicts and effectively responding to others in their interaction. Effective communication skills are often demonstrated by the learners in a number of contexts including formal presentation, movement settings, informal interactions, social interactions and advocating physical and health activity within the learning environmen
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Color Band Resistors Essay Example for Free
Color Band Resistors Essay RESISTOR A resistor is a component of a circuit that resists the flow of electrical current. It has two terminals across which electricity must pass, and it is designed to drop the voltage of the current as it flows from one terminal to the other. Resistors are primarily used to create and maintain known safe currents within electrical components. Resistors are coated with paint or enamel, or covered in molded plastic to protect them. Because they are often too small to be written on, a standardized color-coding system is used to identify them. The first three colors represent ohm value, and a fourth indicates the tolerance, or how close by percentage the resistor is to its ohm value. This is important for two reasons: the nature of its construction is imprecise, and if used above its maximum current, the value can change or the unit itself can burn up. †¢ RESISTANCE In physics, resistance is defined as the ability of a substance to prevent or resist the flow of electrical current. A substance resists electrical current because of a collision between electrons and atoms, which slows the electrons down and converts some of their energy to heat energy. In some cases, the energy is also converted into light. German physicist Georg Ohm (1789-1854) is credited with discovering the effect of a materials make up, length and thickness on its resistance. In fact, the standard unit of measuring resistance, the ohm, is named after him. Ohms law became publicly known in 1827 and states that a circuit’s resistance is 1 ohm if a 1-volt voltage make 1 amp of current. According to Ohms law, a circuits resistance is equal to its voltage divided by the amount of current. †¢ RESISTIVITY The measure of the potential electrical resistance of a conductive material. It is determined experimentally using the equation [pic] = RA/l, where R is the measured resistance of some length of the material, A is its cross-sectional area (which must be uniform), and l is its length. It is measured in ohm-meters. Resistivity of a material remains constant whether it is taken about 1 cm..or 1km (on a constant temperature and other physical conditions remains the same) The Resistivity of a material depends on temperature( and other physical conditions such as air pressure) and the nature of the material (avaibility of free electrons.number of free electrons are same in an element atoms). †¢ TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT The temperature coefficient is the relative change of a physical property when the temperature is changed by 1 Kelvin. In the following formula, let R be the physical property to be measured and T be the temperature at which the property is measured. T0 is the reference temperature, and ÃŽâ€T is the difference between T and T0. Finally, ÃŽ ± is the (linear) temperature coefficient. Given these definitions, the physical property is: [pic] Here ÃŽ ± has the dimensions of an inverse temperature (1/K or K−1). This equation is linear with respect to temperature. For quantities that vary polynomially or logarithmically with temperature, it may be possible to calculate a temperature coefficient that is a useful approximation for a certain range of temperatures. For quantities that vary exponentially with temperature, such as the rate of a chemical reaction, any temperature coefficient would be valid only over a very small temperature range. Different temperature coefficients are specified for various applications, including nuclear, electrical and magnetic. 1. What are the uses of resistors? †¢ Resistors are essential in electronic circuits, as they control the amount of current that runs through them. Without resistors voltage would be too great for individual components to handle and would result in overloading or destruction. The principle by which resistors work can also be applied to heating elements in irons, toasters, heaters, electric stoves and hair dryers, which dissipate voltage as heat. Variable resistors may function as sensors, switches or voltage dividers. Specialist end uses, such as new generation automotive LED light clusters, demand a specialist resistor solution. Aluminum clad wire wound resistors provide high power dissipation in a limited space, and are designed for direct heat sink mounting, using thermal compound to achieve maximum performance. The resistors work as a ballast to augment the resistance in the LED, mimicking that of a conventional 2. What is the difference between 4 color, 5 color, and 6 color band resistors? †¢ 4 Color Band Resistors- These resistors have two bands for the resistance value and 1 band for the multiplier and 1 tolerance band. This is the most common variation. †¢ 5 Color Band Resistors- These are with high precision and have an extra band to indicate a 3rd significant digit. The 1st three bands indicate the significant digits, the 4th band is the multiply factor and the 5th represents the tolerance. There are exceptions to this. For example, sometimes the extra band indicates failure rate or temperature coefficient. †¢ 6 Color Band Resistors- These are resistors that are usually for high precision that have an additional band to specify the temperature coefficient (ppm/k). The 1st three bands are for the resistance value, the 4th for the multiplier, the 5th for the tolerance and the 6th for the temperature coefficient. Sources:
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Downfall of Tsar Nicholas II and WW1
Downfall of Tsar Nicholas II and WW1 To what extent was the First World War responsible for the downfall of Tsar Nicholas II? Jack Boag, Thursday, 26 January 2017 Shortly after Russia became the first member of the Entente to enter the First World War on the side of Serbia, Tsar Nicholas II, a devoutly religious man, prayed for hours on end in his private chapel, repeating the line from the Our Father, Thy Will Be Done. Then, God appeared to him, and instructed him to take personal command of the armies and lead from the front. These events could be said to have led to the downfall of both the Tsar personally, and autocracy as a whole. However, from a moral standpoint, what he did was perhaps commendable. His desire to join his troops at the front rather than watch the oncoming slaughter from the Winter Palace increased his popularity and the popularity of the war. In addition to his devout religious beliefs, he felt that his duty was to serve, rather than rule over his subjects. In short, he did the wrong thing for the right reasons. To quote Dominic Lieven, Nicholas loved his country and served it loyally to the best of his ability. He had n ot sought power and he was not, by temperament or personality, well equipped to wield it. Possibly the most catastrophic mistake upon going to the front was leaving the nation under the governance of the Tsarina Alexandra (his wife) and the rather dubious holy man Grigori Rasputin. In the words of Orlando Figes This was autocracy without an autocrat. Both Alexandra and Rasputin were incredibly unpopular, and the general populace were very suspicious of them. The fact that Alexandra was German made things worse, and false accusations of her being a German spy were commonplace. Rasputin didnt help himself either, and his indulgences outside of his duties to the Imperial Family became Russias worst kept secret. There was even (probably unfounded) rumours of the two having an affair. Cartoons of them in bed together were constantly going round all the major Russian newspapers. Both Alexandra and Rasputin valued loyalty over ability and this guided their choice of ministers horrendous judgement on their part. It is often said about the Western Front that reason for the mass slaughter was that it was a war conducted using 19th Century tactics, but with 20th Century weapons. However, the Russian Army was still stuck in the previous century. It had never seen victory against an adversary of a similar size in nearly 100 years. The Crimean War was a disaster, and defeat in the Manchurian War against Japan was an utter humiliation for Nicholas II. It the Russian Army could be defeated by the Japanese, how would it fare 10 years on against the Germans, who had modernised their army, while the Russian one had not changed since their defeat in Manchuria. The slaughter at the Battles of Tannenburg and the Masurian Lakes was on such a scale that the Russian Generals, in order to spare their men more pain, opened fire on them. General Samsonov, in charge of the Russian Army at Tannenburg, committed suicide shortly afterwards in shame. 70,000 Russian soldiers died at Tannenburg and 125,000 Russians di ed at the Masurian Lakes. The following extract is a report from the front. The army had neither wagons nor horses nor first aid supplies. We visited the Warsaw station where there was about 17,000 men wounded in battles. At the station we found a terrible scene: on the platform in dirt, rain and cold, in the rain on the ground even without straw, wounded, who filled the air with heart-rending cries, dolefully asked: For Gods sake, order them to dress our wounds, for five days we have not been attended to. More Russians were killed than any other nationality during the war (considering the Germans were fighting on two fronts, unlike the Russians). In terms of the Entente, Russians make up approx. 40% of the dead and 50% of the wounded (About 4 million Russians died and about 5 million were wounded). However, the pre-existing conditions for an uprising were already there. Russias view of the Tsar was mainly an outcome of Bloody Sunday in 1905, where the Imperial Guard opened fire on unarmed demonstrators. From that point forward, the writing was on the wall for autocracy in Russia, and for Nicholas. He came across as out of touch with the common man and incredibly oppressive. His concessions were not really concessions, as the Duma (Russias Assembly that Nicholas reluctantly agreed to) had no real power. On the international stage, the war with Japan over colonial ambitions in Manchuria and Korea was a disaster. An unhappy people, and an unhappy military after that defeat. This meant the clock had been ticking for Nicholas II for 9 years prior to the war. In conclusion, the war itself was a disaster for Russia. Their army was top-heavy and woefully ill-equipped, as was shown by the Manchurian debacle in 1905. Nicholas II going to the front with his men was commendable from a moral standpoint, but was political disaster for him. Tsarina Alexandra and Rasputin were unequal to the task of governing the nation and were heavily criticised in the popular press. However, the war itself was only a catalyst for what was already set in stone after Bloody Sunday and the Russo-Japanese War.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Nature v. Nurture in Mark Twains Puddnhead Wilson and Those Extraordi
Nature v. Nurture in Mark Twain's Pudd'nhead Wilson and Those Extraordinary Twins What makes a person who they are is a difficult dilemma. Mark Twain's novel, "Pudd'nhead Wilson and Those Extraordinary Twins" is a critical analysis of how nature and nurture can cultivate emotions and free will, which in turn affects the life of individuals. "Twain's faltering sense of direction began about slavery, moral decay, and deceptive realities (Kaplan 314). The debate of `nature versus nurture' has been one of the most intriguing scientific and cultural issues for most of the twentieth century, in determining the behavioral aspects of human beings. The changes in environment, society, education, political influences, family values and morals and other external influences, combined with physical genes determines how mankind will evolve into adulthood. Both nature and nurture, in combination with emotions and free will, control the behavior of human beings and determines who we are. Anthropologists, who study humans and their origins, generally accept that the human species can be categorized into races based on physical and genetic makeup. For example, many slaves had physical differences from their counterpart white race, such as dark skin and wiry hair. Throughout history, the study of Sociology has had a significant impacted the `nature versus nurture' debate. Social Darwinism based its theory on genetic determinism and natural selection, advocating a capitalist economy, promoting racism and the inherent inequality of such as society. Karl Marx, also an advocate for capitalism and slavery, applied the Marxist philosophy to the practice of science, emphasizing environmental influences determined behavior. Max Weber is known his ... ...lard Stern, Nahra, Nancy. American Lives. New York, NY: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. 1997 Sandler, Martin W., Rozwenc, Edwin C., Martin, Edward C. The People Make A Nation. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, Inc. 1975. Skinner, B.F. A Brief Survey of Operant Behavior. Cambridge, MA: B. F. Skinner Foundation. 1938 Skinner, Ellen A. Perceived Control, Motivation, & Coping. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. 1995. Twain, Mark. Pudd'nhead Wilson and Those Extraordinary Twins. New York, NY: W. W. Norton and Company, 2005. Wachs, Theodore D. The Nature of Nurture. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. 1992. Wilson, Jim. Criminal Genes. Popular Science. Pars International Corp. New York, NY. November 12, 2002.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Do You Think Parents Should Be Punished for the Crimes Their Teenage Children Commit?
Do you think parents should be punished for the crimes their teenage children commit? Teenage crimes are on the rise and in trying to prevent this condition from aggravating, people start to consider an alternative solution – to punish the parents instead. The question is, are parents really the core of the problem or are there other bigger issues we have to consider? Punishing parents by law is certainly not the ideal way to handle these rising crime rates. Though it cannot be denied that parents are responsible to a small extent, they should not be punished by law for the crimes their teenage children commit simply because they have limited influence and control over them As studies have shown, parents are not the only influence in a child’s behaviour. What plays a bigger role is the society. The school and the media are two major components. Typical children in today’s society spend majority of their youth in school, not at home. In schools, these teenagers are often affected by peer pressure. They are often blinded by this desire to be accepted and to blend in with the rest of their friends. Many a times, children are influenced by the wrong kind of peer pressure – pressure to behave inadequately, including committing crimes. The media is another powerful influence. The pervasiveness of the media makes it difficult for children to avoid all those violence and negative demonstrations in television programs, movies, music, advertisements and so on. What children see and hear from their friends or the media are often reflected in their actions. Exposure to such an undesirable environment with many negative influences have instigated them to make the wrong decision and lead the wrong path. Children do not always grow up to become the kind of person their parents desired. Parents could have provided their children with appropriate moral education, living conditions and the warmth of a family. Unfortunately, due to all these powerful external influences from the society, their children turned out to be a huge contrast to what the parents were expecting. Moreover, it is beyond the parents’ capabilities to achieve complete control ver their children’s actions. In this phase of life, teenagers are often rebellious and tend to oppose their parents. Parents have limited control over their children. In other words, they have only as much control as their children would allow them to. Every individual has his or her own mindset, rights and ability to make decisions. It is impossible for one to have full control over ano ther. Therefore, parents cannot be expected to control the uncontrollable. In addition, children can abuse the law in order to get their parents to let them have their own way. All they have to do is to threaten that they would commit a crime and get their parents into trouble with the law. If this is beyond the parents’ control, punishing parents for their children’s crimes will not work since it does not in any way allow them to have complete control over their children’s actions. Furthermore, it might even put parents in a difficult position. In face with situations like this, parents are helpless too. On the contrary, parents are the ones who brought their children into this world, not the society. It was their choice and they have to take responsibility for it. Creating a child is different from nurturing a child. Nurturing would require parenting, and parenting encompasses a myriad of responsibilities. Parents have to teach their children of the moral values and it is from all these values that children can learn to control their own actions independently. If parents neglect their children, it is not surprising that they are easily influenced by the society and cannot make the right decisions – the result of bad parenting. Parents are responsible for their children’s crimes, however, to only a small extent. Appropriate parenting is crucial. Nevertheless, even the best brought-up children can go astray too, like any other children, because of all the society’s negative influences. Due to limited control, parents can do nothing much if their children has set their mind into committing the crime. Therefore, it makes no sense for parents to be punished for crimes their teenage children commit. In fact, parents have already paid the price through all the disappointment and shame. Hence, neither is it justified, nor effective, to punish parents for a situation which society has created.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Graduation Speech Essay
This is such a great victory for all of us! We have done each others’part to make this occasion whole. As educators, it is our pride and honor to see you all on this very momentous day tasting the fruit of our sweet success for six years of labor and more. Your parents are in deep joy celebrating your achievement that at last you did to surpass this milestone of your primary training. Years ago you entered this place,you had the desire within you to learn and to prepare yourselves for the challenges to come in the future. We had a heart to heart agreement to teach and learn. Now, we have realized that agreement in us. Your teachers are with high regards in you for they freed you from this place because you deserve to seek higher learning which will make yourselves more equipped to meet your tomorrow with confidence, satisfaction, and integrity. The time spent in school was never wasted despite of the shortcomings we encountered. With the theme, â€Å" Building the Nations Future Leaders Through the K to 12 Basic Education Program†, we are truly confident that your dreams are at hand. Just strive hard not only for yourselves but for the nation as well. The foundation we built is of good help wherever you go. As you leave your beloved Alma Mater, put in mind, carve in heart and do by hands the teachings and learnings you acquired in fundamental step of your basic education to gear you up for the higher one. Always remember, even in this step, you start making yourselves leaders. Being a leader doesn’t always mean to be at authority to acquire power, but; being a leader is possessing the ability to make a difference to cut the poverty and corruption for the goodness of humanity so that even the most deprived will still get their basic needs with honor and happiness. Do that vision in you a great mission to fulfill in making this world a better place for all of us to live with equity and justice. May the Almighty God guide you to whatever path will you take in building a nation with integral progress empowered by holistically developed leaders. A warm greetings of congratulations to all of you, Graduates! Mabuhay and God speed!
Mr. President essays
Mr. President essays I take exception to a few key aspects of Pres. George W. Bush's initiatives. I guess I should start by saying that Pres. Bush doesn't want us to know about his plans to saddle the economy with crippling debt. Otherwise, we might do something about that. I, hardheaded cynic that I am, want to give people more information about Pres. Bush, help them digest and assimilate and understand that information, and help them draw responsible conclusions from it. Here's one conclusion I decidedly hope people draw: This is a lesson for those with eyes to see. It is a lesson not so much about Pres. Bush's unprofessional behavior, but about the way that the choice we face as a nation is whether to run our country ourselves or let vicious dummkopfs run it for us. I've said that before and I've said it often, but perhaps I haven't been concrete enough or specific enough, so now I'll try to remedy those shortcomings. I'll try to be a lot more specific and concrete when I explain that the baneful nat ure of Pres. Bush's precepts is not just a rumor. It is a fact to which I can testify. In case you have any doubts, Pres. Bush says that governments should have the right to lie to their own subjects or to other governments. What he means by this, of course, is that he wants free reign to condemn children to a life of drugs, gangs, drinking, rape, incest, verbal abuse, physical abuse, and a number of other horrors. We should reinforce the contentions of all reasonable people and confute those of blinkered Machiavellians. (Goodness knows, our elected officials aren't going to.) I can no longer get very excited about any revelation of Pres. Bush's hypocrisy or crookedness. It's what I've come to expect by now. Pres. Bush maliciously defames and damagingly misrepresents everyone and everything around him. There's a word for that: libel. We are observing the change in our society's philosophy and values from freedom and justice to corruption, decay, cynic...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Write a Research Essay on Celtic Christianity
How to Write a Research Essay on Celtic Christianity The research paper is a one which is based on research, as the name suggests. If you are searching for interesting ways to start a research paper on Celtic Christianity, look over these useful tips: The first tip is to select a good topic related to Celtic Christianity. No matter what your idea might be, chances are, multiple articles have already been written about the broad subject matter and as such you need to focus your efforts on a much more precise question or a much more precise statement. You want to take a few words, one or two, from your broad subject or idea and replace it with something that is more specific. By replacing one or two words with something more specific you can create a much more precise topic. For example, rather than researching soil nutrients you can research one specific nutrient such as phosphorus and rather than researching organic matter you can research one particular type of organic matter such as food waste. By adding a few more specific words you can make your topic much more concise and you can convert it into a complete sentence which will function as your thesis statement. You want to make this statement as precise and arguable as possible. Once you have your topic on Celtic Christianity, it is time to find a more specific thesis, something which is guided invisibly by the decision to narrow down and refine your topic. You want this thesis statement to be something which tells the reader exactly what the purpose of your work is in a single statement. You should not have a thesis that goes beyond one or two sentences no matter how large the overall assignment is. Craft a striking introduction. The thesis is important, but it sits at the end of the introduction and the introduction is perhaps one of the most important parts of the essay on Celtic Christianity because it is the first thing a reader sees. In many cases it is recommended that you spend roughly 20% of your effort on the introduction compared to the other components involved in your writing. The reason for this is simple: you want to open with a striking statistic, fact, or otherwise awe inspiring quotation from an expert in your field so that you can grab the attention of your reader and really hook them. Without this hook you won’t get them to keep reading the remainder of your work, and all the efforts you would’ve had put into the writing will be wasted. Use the Right Citation Format Look over your syllabus for information on which citation format you should use. Your teacher may not have included what they expect from you in the assignment details because they had posted it in the syllabus. If you have this opportunity, you should note that typically, research based writing is more scientific in nature. It often requires you to conduct a literature review, present your findings, and explain how you came to those findings. As such, the most appropriate formatting method for this situation will more often than not be APA. However, if you are more comfortable with another style and have the freedom to select that style, feel free to do it. We hope this guide will help you make a great essay. Don’t forget to check our 20 topics for a research essay on Celtic Christianity as well as our set of 10 facts for one of such topics. If you need professional writing assistance from experts you can buy research paper at CustomWritings writing service.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
To what extent can knowledge of tumour associated antigens be useful Essay - 1
To what extent can knowledge of tumour associated antigens be useful in the management of cancer patients Illustrate your answe - Essay Example The antigens are expressed in different categories depending on the gene mutation of proteins in the Tumour cells. These categories define the classes of tumour-Associated antigens, which are Unique Tumour Antigens, Cancer Testis Antigens, Differentiation Antigens, and over expressed Antigens in relation to T-cells antigens in cancer (Gires & Seliger 2009). Unique Tumour Antigens are specific antigens in the tumour cells recognized by CD4 + and CD8+ T cells as a result of gene mutation and fusion of proteins (Gires & Seliger 2009). These tumour antigens have specific expressions to the tumour cells from which the proteins are altered thus only a few are shared in different T-cells. Unlike Unique Tumour Antigens, Cancer Testis antigens go through additional mutations that bring about a restricted expression on cancer cells. These antigens encompasses a group of antigens recognized by CD4 + and CD8+ T cells and they are basically antibody target (Gires & Seliger 2009). Differentiation Antigens are characterized by malignant cells associated with cluster differentiation that are not particularly tumour related. They are directed towards specific antibodies in the same lineage rather than normal body cells (Gires & Seliger 2009). ... e, Cytotoxic T-cells detect antigens on Tumour cells, which can lead to cell damage when Cytotoxic T-cells secrets negative cytokines that destroys normal cells (Crowley 2011). Immunotherapy uses the same kind of approach since it kills small metastatic cells hence creating adaptive immunity when the antigens get to the body (Miermont 2008). Antigen- specific T- cells are introduced in the body through vaccines where Lymphocytes create a hormonal immune response by being activated to eliminate Tumour Associated antigens immediately they recognize invading antigens (Nagorsen & Marincola 2005). Tumour- Associated Antigens are helpful when it comes to human cancer management. The importance of these types of antigens is dependent on the type of cancer and the level in which it has been realized. It has been realized that tumour associated antigens are very attractive diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to human cancer (UICC 2003). When applied especially when the cancer symptoms are n ot conspicuous, it can assist in revealing the areas affected by cancer cells. For example, Hodge, Grosenbach & Schlom (2002), expresses an experiment where they introduce vectors (antigens) in the body of a patient in form of a vaccine. These experiments are done using different antigens as a source of signal. The introduction of the antigens helped create immunity since it identified the specific areas affected. With introduction of antigens in different capacities, the immunity went on growing with each vaccine administered. According to Kumar (2012), cancer can be successfully treated by a combination of chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy and immunotherapy. Having knowledge about tumour-associated antigens can assist a patient to know the right combination for his particular
Friday, October 18, 2019
British Airways PLC Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
British Airways PLC - Research Paper Example Likewise, The current ratio above shows that the total assets for the year 2006 was 1.18 times the total liabilities of the year. This means that the company will be able to pay all their current liabilities as well as long term liabilities when the maturing date for their payments arrive. In addition, the 2007 current ratio is better than the 2006 current ratio. The Debt to Equity ratio above shows that the total liabilities for the year 2007 was 4.15 times the total equity of the year. This means that the company has four and 15/100 times resources coming from the creditors than the stockholders. The Debt to Equity ratio above shows that the total liabilities for the year 2006 was 5.54 times the total equity of the year. This means that the company has five and 54/100 times resources coming from the creditors than the stockholders. In addition, the 2007 debt to equity ratio is better than the 2006 debt to equity ratio. The Gross Profit ratio above shows that the gross profit for the year 2007 was twenty eight percent of the net sales. This means that the company was profitable this year in terms of cost of sales alone. The Gross Profit ratio above shows that the gross profit for the year 2006 was twenty nine percent of the net sales. This means that the company was profitable this year in terms of cost of sales alone. The Gross Profit ratio above shows that the gross profit for the year 2006 was twenty nine percent of the net sales. This means that the company was profitable this year in terms of cost of sales alone. Sadly, the gross profit ratio for 2006 shows a better picture of the company when compared to the 2007 gross profit ratio. The Net Profit ratio above shows that the Net profit for the year 2007 was three percent of the net revenues. This means that the company was profitable this year in terms of cost of sales plus marketing and administrative expense. The Net Profit ratio above shows that the Net profit for the year 2006 was five percent of the net revenues. This means that the company was profitable this year in terms of cost of sales plus marketing and administrative expense. Sadly, the net profit ratio for 2006 shows a better picture of the company when compared to the 2007 gross profit ratio. Further, British Airways Chief Executive Willie Walsh was fair in stating "This is another good set of results despite soaring fuel costs and difficulties in the market. Revenue up some one percent and a strong cost performance has led to an operating profit up 28.5 percent. While fuel costs in the first six months were down 36 million, they have soared 72 million in the third quarter." on February, 2008. This is based on the above computations done in excel format and copy -pasted to this document. Reference: B. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION British Airways PLC is engaged in the operation of international and domestic ferrying of air passengers, freight and other non -human cargo both locally or internationally like the member states of the European Union. The company's flight one hundred forty seven destinations are located in seventy five countries as of March, 2007 yet. As of March 31, 2007, it had fulfilled the air travel needs of over thirty three million passengers. The company had two hundred forty two airplanes flying the European skyline. In terms of strategic management, the company
Female Songwriters Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Female Songwriters Paper - Essay Example While Pit Bull, Rod Stewart, and John Mayer write mostly about the shallow physicality of their relationships with women. Alanis Morisette, for one, is known as the Queen of Angst when it comes to her songs. Her music can best be described as raw and her lyrics, direct to the point but with a softer touch. Take for example her lyrics to the song Perfect (1995) which talks about the sheer physical perfection of the man she is with. She sang; â€Å"If you're flawless, then you'll win my love , Don't forget to win first place , don't forget to keep that smile on your face , be a good boy , try a little harder , you've got to measure up and make me prouder†. The lyrics that Ms. Morisette chose to use has a more subtle way of objectifying men. Her lyrics contain sexual innuendos which are never crass nor blatant. Instead, she offers a sensitive portrayal of how men must work just as hard as women to win a partner's love. For her, love is not all about the physicality of the act but rather what goes on behind it. It is through that compatibility and understanding that a woman becomes truly proud of her man. Male songwriter's also have similarly themed lyrics. However, men have a more direct to the point and mostly sexual stance when composing their songs. Take for example the lyrics in the John Mayer song Your Body is a Wonderland (2001). He sings the following lyrics to his beloved; â€Å" Something 'bout the way the hair falls in your face . I love the shape you take when crawling towards the pillowcase . You tell me where to go and though I might leave to find it I'll never let your head hit the bed without my hand behind it .†The song can almost be seen as the male counterpart of Morisette's lyrics since his song dwells on the perfection of the female body but without the almost poetic description of the sexual connection of the female physique with a â€Å"perfect†love borne out mostly out of lust and desire than compatibility. Both songs speak of the act of the emotions the songwriters are feeling during the act of lovemaking. Yet Morisette is more ambiguous about it, thus causing her listeners to think more about what her lyrics truly mean. While Mayer leaves very little to the imagination as men prefer to be more directly descriptive in their lyrics than women one cannot deny that he does his best to romanticize the act of lovemaking in a way that only men seem to understand. Although the lyrics are poetic, there is no mistaking what the topic of the song is all about. This method of writing lyrics is something that female songwriter's do not normally do because the female lyrics tend to have veiled double meanings attached to them. Both men and women clearly write about their relationship troubles. But men have a lesser emotional investment in the relationship. Thus they see a different solution to the problem than women. This can be heard in the way Pit Bull described the end of his relationship with a girl in h is 2011 hit Hey Baby where he rapped about the freedom that being a single man brings to his life; â€Å" I’m a Dade county, self paid self made millionaire . I used to play around the world, now I’m around the world - gettin paid. Girl problems, no problems , doin anything that won’t solve em . I wanna get witcha mami, now let me see what the lord split
To evaluate the feasibility of a Thai restaurant in Brighton that Essay
To evaluate the feasibility of a Thai restaurant in Brighton that promotes healthier eating - Essay Example The Phenomenological approach studies the life experiences of an individual and derives meaning from them. The realism approach believes that the truth exists independent of human existence, and can be experienced through our experiences and sensations. On the other hand, the Positivism ideology states that the facts that can be scientifically and objectively verified are the only one we should be able to trust. Given that this study wishes to evaluate the desires and opinions of a large group of people, it was believed the Positivist research would serve best in this case. The use of objective data – gathered using an empirical perspective – makes the process more verifiable and thus, valid. It also controls for biases that we may have that could lead us astray in making our decisions. There are a number of approaches to research, and each brings a number of techniques to the table. The decision to use an objective method instead of a subjective one (quantative data instead of qualitative) may be based on the fact that the questions asked by this study pertained to the general opinion of a large group; and not the detailed opinions of a few individuals. Numerical data is more representative of a large population that qualitative data. This is a Deductive study, i.e. – one that verifies the facts in a given condition. This is in contrast to the other option of conducting an inductive study, which would be useful when developing theoretical concepts based on scientifically proven facts. Research strategy It is proposed that potential clientele be extensively surveyed in order to evaluate the need and demand for a restaurant serving healthy Thai food in Briton. The target population is individuals in the age group of 15-54 years who are primary decision makers when choosing an eating out destination. It was decided that this population be surveyed for their opinions. The process of a Survey was used in order to pick up the specific opinions of a large number of people and analyse the trends thereof (Stangor, 2010). According to the NHS (2009), this consists of approximately 153,000 people. Thus, a minimum sample size of a 100 respondents was chosen in a bid to gain some extent of representativeness. Systematically chosen respondents were chosen and encouraged to fill out the survey form (Kerlinger, 1986). They were given a description of the reasons for conducting the study, and were assured of the value of their inputs. Those respondents who were reluctant w ere not pressed, and the researcher passed on to interview the next chosen respondent. Data thus collected was analysed statistically to verify that any trends seen were not due to chance in order to draw conclusions (McBurney, 1996).
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Short story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Short story - Essay Example Their grief at the loss did not last forever, however. A year later, they were blessed with another daughter, the beautiful Princess Annabelle. Everyone agreed she was the sweetest child they had ever seen. Moreover, as she grew she remained sweet and innocent. Now she was 14 and the loveliest girl in all the land. They also had a son, Prince Benjamin, the Heir Apparent. Ben was a cheeky boy, barely twelve years old. He was tall and well built. As such, he looked older than a child of his age did, but he was playful and impish and always getting himself – and his sister – into trouble. Annabelle, for all her beauty, was naà ¯ve and impressionable and Ben would use that to his advantage. She was constantly getting into trouble because of him. Getting caught in the kitchen with her hand in the cookie jar, being blamed for stopping up all the heralds’ trumpets with feathers, but she didn’t mind. She loved her brother completely and everyone knew his pranks w ere harmless fun. Unfortunately, not everything was harmless and fun in the kingdom. The northern side of the palace faced a humongous, lone mountain. Not so long ago it was merely an inconvenient landform, making passage to the north more difficult than it might have been. But then, rumor has it, an evil witch decided to make the mountain and its many winding caves her home. Travelers began setting out to the lands north of the Kingdom and disappearing. Caravans of tribute began disappearing. The King sent a legion of soldiers to the mountain to oust the Witch, but they were struck down. A few bodies were found, but no one came back alive. This really troubled the king because it was frustrating efforts to ensure that his subjects were safe and had the freedom of movement. At some point, he asked his subordinate to arrange a troupe of the best soldiers who would
Effect Of Television On Family Relationships Essay
Effect Of Television On Family Relationships - Essay Example When the television was first introduced in the market, it was in the homes of the rich and were kept in bars, the latter being the place where it reached more people. Slowly there was a demographic shift in the TV viewing population. The middle-income and low-income people started to own or aspired to own a television set resulted in defining the nature of the programs shown. The program quality was not better than the high school drama’s previously, but after the shift in the demography of the audience, there was a surge of programs which showed the reality of life. Larger than life emotions and problems did not suit the living room viewing as they have to be based on the reception in the living room. The program content was scrutinized for suitability for family viewership, the production budgets and plats were spruced up to suit the growing demand for variety in TV entertainment. Television did not occupy a special place in the living rooms of the families in America all a t once. The production capacities were limited and the program content was still developing, national signals were still talked about in the early decades of television. But if we analyze what caused a huge acceptance among the public that it is an essential in the living room. The magazine opinion helped in the leap of TV sets into the living room of families across America. All through the early years of television growth, it was emphasized thoroughly that television helps to improve family relationships by various sources. It was believed to bring the members of the family together. In the commercials and in the pictures in magazines, a family watching TV happily as a loving and bonding time was projected. This phenomenon was further enhanced by the baby boom and the suburbanization of American families. When families leave behind their friends and extended family, TV was positioned as an important tool to strengthen the existing family ties. Also, it
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
To evaluate the feasibility of a Thai restaurant in Brighton that Essay
To evaluate the feasibility of a Thai restaurant in Brighton that promotes healthier eating - Essay Example The Phenomenological approach studies the life experiences of an individual and derives meaning from them. The realism approach believes that the truth exists independent of human existence, and can be experienced through our experiences and sensations. On the other hand, the Positivism ideology states that the facts that can be scientifically and objectively verified are the only one we should be able to trust. Given that this study wishes to evaluate the desires and opinions of a large group of people, it was believed the Positivist research would serve best in this case. The use of objective data – gathered using an empirical perspective – makes the process more verifiable and thus, valid. It also controls for biases that we may have that could lead us astray in making our decisions. There are a number of approaches to research, and each brings a number of techniques to the table. The decision to use an objective method instead of a subjective one (quantative data instead of qualitative) may be based on the fact that the questions asked by this study pertained to the general opinion of a large group; and not the detailed opinions of a few individuals. Numerical data is more representative of a large population that qualitative data. This is a Deductive study, i.e. – one that verifies the facts in a given condition. This is in contrast to the other option of conducting an inductive study, which would be useful when developing theoretical concepts based on scientifically proven facts. Research strategy It is proposed that potential clientele be extensively surveyed in order to evaluate the need and demand for a restaurant serving healthy Thai food in Briton. The target population is individuals in the age group of 15-54 years who are primary decision makers when choosing an eating out destination. It was decided that this population be surveyed for their opinions. The process of a Survey was used in order to pick up the specific opinions of a large number of people and analyse the trends thereof (Stangor, 2010). According to the NHS (2009), this consists of approximately 153,000 people. Thus, a minimum sample size of a 100 respondents was chosen in a bid to gain some extent of representativeness. Systematically chosen respondents were chosen and encouraged to fill out the survey form (Kerlinger, 1986). They were given a description of the reasons for conducting the study, and were assured of the value of their inputs. Those respondents who were reluctant w ere not pressed, and the researcher passed on to interview the next chosen respondent. Data thus collected was analysed statistically to verify that any trends seen were not due to chance in order to draw conclusions (McBurney, 1996).
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Effect Of Television On Family Relationships Essay
Effect Of Television On Family Relationships - Essay Example When the television was first introduced in the market, it was in the homes of the rich and were kept in bars, the latter being the place where it reached more people. Slowly there was a demographic shift in the TV viewing population. The middle-income and low-income people started to own or aspired to own a television set resulted in defining the nature of the programs shown. The program quality was not better than the high school drama’s previously, but after the shift in the demography of the audience, there was a surge of programs which showed the reality of life. Larger than life emotions and problems did not suit the living room viewing as they have to be based on the reception in the living room. The program content was scrutinized for suitability for family viewership, the production budgets and plats were spruced up to suit the growing demand for variety in TV entertainment. Television did not occupy a special place in the living rooms of the families in America all a t once. The production capacities were limited and the program content was still developing, national signals were still talked about in the early decades of television. But if we analyze what caused a huge acceptance among the public that it is an essential in the living room. The magazine opinion helped in the leap of TV sets into the living room of families across America. All through the early years of television growth, it was emphasized thoroughly that television helps to improve family relationships by various sources. It was believed to bring the members of the family together. In the commercials and in the pictures in magazines, a family watching TV happily as a loving and bonding time was projected. This phenomenon was further enhanced by the baby boom and the suburbanization of American families. When families leave behind their friends and extended family, TV was positioned as an important tool to strengthen the existing family ties. Also, it
Endothelial tight junction proteins Essay Example for Free
Endothelial tight junction proteins Essay Endothelial tight junction proteins Introduction     The endothelium is situated at the inner side of all kinds of vessels and comprises of a monolayer of endothelial cells. Inter-endothelial junctions comprise junctional complexes, such as adherens junctions (AJ), tight junctions (TJ) and gap junctions (GJ) that play essential roles in tissue integrity, barrier function and intercellular communication respectively. These junctional complexes are related to those found at epithelial junctions with notable changes in terms of certain molecules and structure.     Endothelial junctional proteins play important roles in tissue integrity but also in vascular permeability, leukocyte extravasation and angiogenesis. Dormant endothelium may be exposed to stimuli provoking leukocyte extravasation at seditious sites and propagating angiogenesis. Both activities have an intense impact on endothelial cell-cell junctions.     Tight junctions aid the major functional objective of establishing a barrier inside the membrane, by controlling paracellular permeability and sustaining cell polarity. They achieve this by constricting apical or basolateral transmembrane diffusion of lipids and they have been suggested to contribute in regulating proliferation and differentiation of epithelial cells. However, the components that are involved and the signal routes concerned are unknown (Mitic Anderson 1998).     Tight junctions are made up of integral membrane proteins claudins, occludin, tricellulin, junctional adhesion molecules (JAMs), including many peripheral membrane proteins such as the scaffold PDZ- domain proteins. This review will however, focus on ZO-1 and ZONAB. Histology of endothelia junctions     The junctional structures situated at the endothelial intercellular fissure are related to those located at the epithelium; however, their formation is more inconsistent and in most vascular beds their topology is less constrained than in epithelial cells. Adherens junctions, tight junctions and gap junctions are in most cases intermingled and create a complex zonular system with disparities in depth and thickness of the sub-membrane plate associated with the junctional structure (Franke et al. 1988; Rhodin 1974). In contrast to epithelial cells, GJs are often found close to the luminal surface. Hence, the term â€Å"Apical junction†used to jointly describe epithelial TJ and AJ may not be applied to the endothelium. The endothelium forms the vascular barrier with controlled permeability properties between the blood and the underlying tissues.     Tight junctions exhibit considerable inconsistency among different segments of the vascular tree (Franke et al. 1988). This disparity composes a major evidence of vascular bed differentiation of endothelial cells and has a strong impact on vascular permeability and leukocyte extravasation. Variations concern the complexity degree of the occluding strands as well as tight junction composition.     Large Artery endothelial cells, which are exposed to high flow rates, display a well-developed system of tight junctions. Within the microvasculature, tight junctions are less complex in capillaries than in arterioles, and even less in venules. It is important to mention that, post-capillary venules are the primary site of leukocyte extravasation, and accordingly, they display a high content of permeability mediator receptors, such as those for histamine, serotonin and bradykinin. On the other hand, blood brain barrier (BBB) and the blood retinal barrier (BRB) are predominantly rich in Tight Junctions and endothelial tight junctions have been principally studied in these sites.     Endothelial intercellular realms differ from those of epithelial cells by the absence of desmosomes (Franke et al. 1988). The transitional filaments, comprised in the endothelium by vimentin molecules, are poorly connected to cell-cell contacts. However, contrary to the situation in epithelia, the vimentin filaments may be associated to endothelial adherens junctions in junctional structures similar to desmosomes, called complexus adherens.     It must be emphasized that interendothelial junctions are vibrant structures, subjected to multiple regulations. Moreover, leukocytes extravasate majorly in postcapillary venules either through transcellular or paracellular methods. Extravasation via the intercellular junction is a rapid and controlled process, through which the leukocyte is squeezed in the fissure (diapedesis), followed by rapid junction reformation.     ZO-1 is a protein located on the cytoplasmic membrane plate of intercellular tight junctions and is engaged in transducing signals at cell-to-cell junctions. ZO-1 links tight junction transmembrane proteins to a cytoplasmic plaque and the actin-based cytoskeleton (Aijaz et al. 2006; Tsukita et al. 2001). In epithelial cells, ZO-1 interrelates with the transcription factor ZONAB to regulate cells proliferation in a cell density related manner (Balda Matter 2000); however, the functions of ZO-1 and ZONAB in endothelial cells are still not clearly understood.     Unpublished work shows that downregulation of ZO-1 in endothelial cells stimulates redistribution of two transmembrane proteins; claudin-5 and JAM-A, and radical changes in the cytoskeleton affecting the localization of mechanosensor proteins and VE-cadherin role in the control of cell-cell tension.     These observations imply that one function of ZO-1 in endothelial cells is to coordinate components of the tight junction and associate them to the cortical cytoskeleton. However, it is unfamiliar whether the ZO-1 associated transcription factor ZONAB is linked to such ZO-1 effects.     Despite the fact that, ZO-1 explicitly associates with epithelial tight junctions (Stevenson et al. 1986), it has been observed that the protein appears in the nucleus in the process of proliferation (Gottardi et al. 1996). While the functional impact of the nuclear localization is currently not clear, studies reveal that these discrete subcellular distributions of ZO-1 are exquisitely sensitive to the state of cell-to-cell contact.     ZO-1 plays a major role of restraining ZONAB and regulates its accumulation in the nucleus through cytoplasmic sequestration. MDCK cells found in the epithelium exhibit two forms of this Y-box transcription factor (ZONAB) i.e. ZONAB -A and ZONAB -B which vary in a 68-amino acid supplement. Both categories of ZONAB bind to ZO-1 and link with intercellular junctions (Balda Matter 2000).     ZONAB was initially designated in canine kidney epithelial cells (MDCK) and is a Y-box transcription factor. Y-box transcription factors are multipurpose control mechanisms of gene expression and studies suggest that they play a common role in enhancing proliferation (Bargou et al. 1997). ZONAB is one of the tight junction-associated dual localization protein: it localizes to junctions where it attaches to the SH3 surface of the adaptor protein ZO-1, and to the nucleus where it regulates transcription.     The distribution of ZONAB is controlled by the cell density as it localizes to both junctions and nuclei in low density, proliferating cells, and becomes constrained to the cytoplasm in high density cells (Balda Matter, 2000). This distribution is also exhibited in its transcription activity, as ZONAB is transcriptionally vigorous in proliferating cells but inactive in non-proliferating cells. In the MDCK cells, ZONAB is necessary for normal rates of proliferation and controls G1/S phase transition (Balda et al. 2003).     ZONAB affects cell cycle development by two distinct processes: it controls the nuclear accumulation of CDK4 through a direct interaction and controls manifestation of genes encoding cell cycle regulators for example, PCNA and cyclin D1 (Balda et al. 2003; Sourisseau et al. 2006 ).     In 3D principles of MDCK cells, regular ZO-1 and ZONAB processes are necessary for epithelial cyst formation, implying that the Y-box transcription factor also controls epithelial differentiation (Sourisseau et al. 2006). Since ZO-1 and ZONAB can also relate with other types of intercellular junctions, for instance the gap junctions, in cells that lack tight junctions, it is possible that ZO-1 or ZONAB signaling is also of useful significance in other cell types other than epithelia (Ciolofan et al. 2006; Giepmans Moolenaar 1998). Aims of the study     The aim of the study is to understand the functional consequences of downregulation of ZONAB in endothelial cells, and whether and how ZONAB cross-talks with other junctional components to regulate endothelial cell migration, proliferation and angiogenesis. Currently, we are looking at similarities and differences between the phenotype of downregulation of ZO-1 or ZONAB by RNA interference. Changes in expression and localization of a given protein are analysed using specific antibodies for immunoblots and immunofluorescence. Preliminary Results     It is observed that downregulation of ZO-1 or ZONAB resulted in similar redistribution of actin and vinculin from cell-cell junctions to stress fibers and focal adhesions, respectively. However, the localization of transmembrane proteins such as Claudin-5 and JAM-A is affected by downregulation of ZO-1 rather than by downregulation of ZONAB. The localization of the polarity protein PAR-3 is changed in both conditions.     Additionally, downregulation of ZONAB causes changes in ZO-1 by immunofluorescence that needs to be tested for expression by immunoblots. Next, we will characterize other transmembrane proteins (e.g. MD3 and claudin-1), polarity proteins (PKCzeta), Rho regulators and mechanotransducers such as PAK2, Zyxin and YAP.     ZONAB is a DNA and RNA binding factor that it is involved in transcription (e.g. cyclin D1 and PCNA) in the nucleus and translation (e.g. cell cycle inhibitor p21) in the cytosol. Thus, we are also trying to identify new genes regulated. We have identified that expression of fibronectin is regulated by ZONAB. We are evaluating whether the changes in protein expression of fibronectin are due to ZONAB role on transcription or translation, using actinomicin D to inhibit transcription or cyclohexidimide to inhibit translation. Additionally, we are validating new genes identified by cDNA array analysis of endothelial cells with downregulation of ZONAB.     The tight junction localizing protein ZO-1 symptomatically forms a continuous band around the apices of well-differentiated, confluent, polarized epithelial cells in culture. However, under nonconfluent conditions, endogenous ZO-1 can localize to the nucleus in addition to the border of cell-cell contact.     ZONAB manifestation tends to be high in proliferating but low in growth-impeded MDCK cells, implying that high manifestation levels might be a necessity for cell proliferation (Balda Matter 2000).     ZONAB confines in the nucleus as well as tight junctions in proliferating cells, however, it is not noticeable in the nucleus of nonproliferating high density cells (Balda Matter 2000), proposing that accumulation of ZONAB in the nucleus might be necessary for efficient proliferation.     ZO-1 quantities are low in proliferating cells and they rise with cell density, and overexpression of ZO-1 hinders accumulation of ZONAB in the nucleus (Balda Matter 2000); hence, ZO-1 may control proliferation by inhibiting ZONAB from accumulating in the nucleus. Overexpression of ZO-1 in low density cells triggers a redistribution of ZONAB from the nucleus to the cytoplasm and reduced proliferation.     CDK4 is a major regulator of G1/s transition (Sherr 2000; Malumbres Barbacid 2001). Thus, ZONAB could control proliferation by regulating the process or the localization of CDK4. Since ZONAB binds CDK4, the nuclear pools of the two proteins may diminish in a parallel manner.     Symplekin is combined with ZONAB in the nucleus; hence, it could be argued that Symplekin modulates the transcription activity of ZONAB. Increased expression of Symplekin results in stimulation of the transcriptional suppressor ZONAB. However, it is also noted that Symplekin is absent in endothelial cells (Keon et al. 1996).     ZONAB controls cell cycle entry. ZO-1 overexpression results in a reduction in DNA synthesis, implying that entry into S-phase was distressed.     These experiments will allow understanding the role of ZO-1 and ZONAB in endothelial cells. Depending on the results, we plan to test how these two proteins are involved in endothelial stress conditions such as shear stress and high glucose. Conclusion     The collaboration of ZO-1 with tight junctions can only be significant for the stabilization of ZO-1, as opposed to attaching ZO-1 to the plasma membrane so as to constrain nuclear accumulation of related proteins. This is supported by the opinion that a truncated protein comprising only the HA-tagged SH3 domain accumulated in the Cytosol, but was adequate to decrease proliferation and nuclear accumulation of ZONAB (unpublished data).     ZONAB and ZO-1 control proliferation and the ultimate cell density of MDCK cells. Explanations that ZO-1 accumulates with increasing cell density, and overexpression of ZO-1 in transfected cells lowers the final density proposes a pattern in which ZO-1 serves as a measure for cell density whereby, on reaching the threshold level, provokes growth impediment by cytoplasmic sequestration of ZONAB and the related cell cycle kinase CDK4. It will be essential to control how the ZO-1 or ZONAB pathway associates with the other signaling methods that affect proliferation.     Vascular endothelial stress induces dysfunctions that have been implicated in many diseases such as diabetes and diabetic retinopathy. Therefore, characterization of the role of tight junction molecules in different endothelial cell behavior and functions will help us to understand the molecular mechanisms of disease pathogenesis and these findings may be implicated in prognosis and possibly to develop new treatment strategies. References Balda, MS and Matter, K 2000. 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Monday, October 14, 2019
The Negative Impacts Of Cell Phones English Language Essay
The Negative Impacts Of Cell Phones English Language Essay I drive with my knees. Otherwise, how can I put on my lipstick and talk on my phone? Sharon Stone. In 1973, the first cell phone was demonstrated by Martin Cooper in the United States of America. By the mid of 2009, the cell phone usage exploited to almost all-around the world. Today, mobile phone is a necessary device which allows user to make phone calls from any coverage distance. In addition, it provide many services including, SMS or text messages, e-mail, Internet access, gaming, Bluetooth, infrared, camera, MP3 player, radio, TV, and GPS. For many years it has been widely acknowledged that while cell phones make our life convenient, it has many disadvantages. However, still many people continue to ignore the negative consequences of cell phone, and they excessively enjoy the benefits. Teenagers are group of high subscriptions of mobile users. According to Disney Mobile survey cell phones usage among 10-17 year-olds jumps by more than an hour a day to more than three hours and 45 minutes. The polling of more than 1,500 teens and pre-teens found that 44 percent use text messages and phone call as their primary form of communication (Diaz). A cell phone can tend to change relationships negative and can lead to some dangerous liaisons. The parents should recommend teenagers from over use of cell phone because it wastes their time, it spans their attention, and it facilitates private communication for them. Teenagers involvement to mobile phone: wasting teenagers time Mobile or cellular phone is a huge time wasting machine for teenagers. If we look at some teenagers, they are often keeping busy on cell phones. Some of them are text messaging and making phone calls, and some others are using advanced features of mobile phone, including Bluetooth, IMs and GPRS. Phone calls among teenagers are a usual case. They spend an extensive time talking to their peers. Many mobile phone users claim that one of the main advantages of mobile ownership is the ability to contact friend or family in case of emergency. I would say this is the main reason we keeps the cell phones with us. However, in Afghanistan and some other countries, teenagers use mobile phone not just because of emergency cases, but they using it because of entertainment. A large number of Afghan teenagers made a social network who keep connect via radio program. For example, a teenage boy call to particular radio program, after receiving a warm greeting by the radio operator; he call his name a nd leaves his message to his group members. Finally, he FARMAISH his favorite song to his one and more group members. Most of the times, the contact number of the radio channel is busy by a lot of phone calls of teens. A large number of teens keep trying in order to get connected to the station. Text messaging is another form of time wasting among teenagers. Nowadays, text messaging is dominant form of communication among teenagers. In Afghanistan, viewers of TVs are able to vote for their favorite performance through text messaging. Moreover, a large group of Afghan teens are daily massaging to TV channels for FARMISH their favorite song to become broadcast on the TV. Mobile phones have changed dramatically over the past years. The new advanced feature of WAP and GPRS in the handset allows the user to connect to the internet. A large number of teens are using different types of IMs- Skype, Yahoo, MSN, and Google talk in their handsets. Moreover, teens using internet browser in their mobile phone so they can get access to social network sites, and download their favorite pictures and music. In Afghanistan, the Afghan Wireless Communication Company (AWCC) is providing internet connection in the blackberry handsets. The latest technology, blackberry handsets, allow user to send and receives e-mails from any part of the country where there antenna coverage is exist. Additionally, the mobile applications itself is getting teenagers attention. For example, Bluetooth, video game, MP3 player, camera, radio, and even T.V in cellular phones is attracts teenagers attention, and keeps them activity involved in cell phone. Cell phones causes span attention in adolescence Span attention in teenagers, is another major problem which results over use of cell phones. Cell phone is a tool which keeps teenagers from social contact with their family and peers. Parents once found children simpler to over passed hours at a desktop computer. Now, so much of that happens on a slim electronic device with a very small screen. They are engaged with both oral uses (phoning) and text-based uses (text messaging). Therefore, most of teens lost their social contact with family members, and some other reduces the opportunities to develop their social interaction with peers. Today, as result of cell phone involvement, a large number of teens feel anxiety and isolated among the people. For most teenagers it is difficult to concentrate on studies, because their interest is more to cell phone than to their school works. Obviously, being a student needs a lot of effort to get done with assignments and quizzes, but once a student receives a phone call or text message while he or she is studying at home, the student get involve to mobile phone, resulting losing concentration. Today, junior and senior at high school are involve in mobile phones. A number of teens-cell phone users are likely to be woken at night by incoming text messages or calls, and are therefore more likely to be tired and less able to focus on their study throughout the day. According to a report released by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, a great number of adolescents have slept with their cellphone in or near their bed. Some keep it under the pillow, to awaken for late-night texts. Others use the built-in alarm to wake up (Large, Andrew). Cell phone can prevent students for being discipl ine, and resulting low grades at their tests. Strongly involvement in pornography at mobile devices is another span attention among teenagers. Nowadays, most cell phones having Bluetooth option which enables teens to transfer porn movie clips to each other handsets and watch them DAR YAGAN GOSHA. The sexting phenomenon the taking and sending of intimate photos of oneself on a cellphone has made headlines overseas and it is representing teens involvement in mobile phone. A lot of youths dont realize that it is a permanent record if it gets on the internet, said Steve OBrien, of the Department of Internal Affairs censorship compliance unit. At their age they think theyre bulletproof [. . .] But, these are things that will possibly come back to haunt their concentration (qtd. In New Zealand Herald). Cell phones help teens in private communication Besides time wasting and spans teens attention, mobile phone is also a tool for facilitating private communication among teenagers. Nowadays, cell phone is one of the major issues in Afghanistan. Since Afghanistan is an Islamic country and there is less right for teens to go outside of home, a great number of them are using cell phone as a suitable device for keeping connect to outside. As a customer service advisor at AWCC, a mobile company in Afghanistan, I have experienced the strong connection among afghan teenagers and the thumb-typed keypad. The cellphone is a much more private way of interacting, and I think thats one thing that teens love about it said Amir Zia Sangin, Afghan Minister of Communication and Information Technology (Rahmani). We have experienced a large number of teens talking on the phone for almost 70-100 minutes each night. Even the customer service advisors who majority of them were under age 20, were actively involved in talking to girls on the phone. Roshan Telecommunication Company, another mobile company in Afghanistan, launched a marketing campaign this week for its phone calls. Basta Yaraan, friends package, is a pear of sim cards which enable friends to talk for 10 Afs at first dial. Once connected, they can talk for free till 6 hours. This feature is enabling only after 12 p.m. every night. Hence, this is a good opportunity for adolescents who can keep their emotional contact almost for free. Since phone industries are trying to sell their products, they do not mind whether it is used in proper way or just miss use out of it. They facilitate communication among teenagers rather than destroying it. It doesnt make them avoid people; they use it to meet up (Hartevelt). Text massaging is another form of private communication among teens. It is much easy and private way of maintain communication with friends and lovers. For example, if your parent is next to you, you might have use text messaging to keep contact with your boyfriend or girl friend. Vodafone spokeswoman Libby Hay said, about 470 million text messages were sent by under 19 years old boys and girls on its network last month (Clapperton, Guy). Mobile phone is a harmful process among teenagers, and it possible for the government to limit mobile use among teenager who has using it for recreational. The question might have raised that why it is impossible when a government have attempted to discourage people from smoking by banning all cigarette advertising. This strategy could be applied to mobile phones as well that rule out mobile phone companies from targeting the younger generation. In conclusion, the cell phone has not only wasting teenagers time, but it also destroy them mentally and physically. It is parents responsibility to recommend their children for not over wasting their time on the phone. It is parents responsibility to stay in touch with their children to keep them track that they should only use mobile phones for essential calls, not for overuse which results drives children attention. It is also parents responsibility to establish rules on cell phone use. They can keep track children call history and require them to turn cell phones off at night. Moreover, parent can keep teens in a common area rather than allowing them to take mobile into their rooms, where they can talk or text message late at the night. While teens love cell phones, moms and dads can get burned by buying for them. So it has been left to parents to decide whether they want their children to be more productive or let them over use their valuable time on mobile, destruct their mind, and let them maintain their private communications. Lets hope the parents understand thisà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay --
Have you ever wondered how one person can make such a substantial difference and inspire so much change? In The Hunger Games novels Suzanne Collins creates Katniss Everdeen, the main character and protagonist. She is the empowered female character who through her atypical qualities and actions inspires incredible change. Collins uses Katniss as a lead because she disrupts the natural order of power in Panem and she is the unconventional representation of a heroic figure. The Hunger Games take place in Panem, a dystopian society that is divided into twelve districts and ruled by the Capitol, a totalitarian power. The people of the districts are suppressed; they have no rights and no freedom of speech. In Dystopian Fiction for Young Adults, literary criticism by Patrick Smith, he contributes to the idea of a dystopian society saying â€Å"dystopias feature totalitarian regimes and shattered economies, global war, climate change, the lack of meaningful personal relationships and lost identities, and the underdog fighting against near-impossible odds. All current societies, dystopian novels suggest, are just one cataclysmic event away from collapse.†This accurately describes the occurrences in Panem. Every year a male and female tribute between the ages of twelve and eighteen are selected from every district in a ceremony called the reaping. They are then forced to fight to the death in the hunger games while all of Panem watches on screen until there is one left standing, the victor. The hunger games were created as a means of which to restore order after the â€Å"Dark Days†, a rebellion that happened decades ago. The people must watch their young be slaughtered on screen to pay for the rebellion. â€Å"Taking the kids from our districts, forcin... ...ames is the rebellion that breaks out in district eight. Katniss gets an unwarranted glance at a TV with updates on the action taking place there. She sees masses of people, flags with the Capitol’s emblem being burned and banners with her face waving from the tops of buildings. The disorder is ultimately traced back to Katniss. Collins uses Katniss as the protagonist because she is the unconventional representation of a heroic figure due to her strong characteristics and her powerful representation; she inspires many people and gives them hope because of her sincere and self-sacrificing nature. As she defies the rules of the Capitol others follow in her lead and over time the natural order of power in Panem is not only disrupted but turned upside down. Katniss shows that it is possible for one person to make substantial differences and inspire unbelievable change.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Willy Loman, An Idiot with A Dream in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman :: Death of a Salesman
Willy Loman, An Idiot with A Dream in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman    A common idea presented in literature is the issue of the freedom of the individual in opposition to the controlling pressures of society. Willy Loman, the main character in Death of A Salesman by Arthur Miller, epitomizes this type of person; one who looks to his peers and co-salesman as lesser individuals. Not only was he competitive and overbearing, but Willy Loman sought after an ideal that he could never become: the greatest salesman ever. Determined to make money, Willy became uncontrollable and somewhat insane. Through his dialogue and actions, Willy Loman portrays a character of insecurity, persistence, and unknown identity.    From the very beginning of his life, Willy Loman experienced problems with his popularity and personality. His last name is a pun on a "low man." He is at the bottom of the business world as an unsuccessful salesman. In addition, his theories on life and society prove to be very degrading, not to mention influential to his mind set every day. Willy believes that being well-liked and having a personal attractiveness, together, can bring success, money, and many friends. Ironically, Willy does not have many friends and many people do not like him. With a beauty unlike others, Willy thinks that doors will open and problems will all disappear.    As a salesman, Willy developed many hindrances that caused his mind to deteriorate. His life as a salesman was built on a dream that he witnessed as a child. At an early age, Willy heard of a salesman, Dave Singleman, who could make his living out of a hotel room. Singleman was very successful and when he died, people from all over the country came to his funeral. It was this ideal that Willy Loman sought after. All he ever wanted was fame, popularity, and a few friends. Unfortunately, when Willy died, not a single person went to his funeral. His life, one that was spent trying to become another person, namely Dave Singleman, was a waste as no-one even wanted to see him buried.    In reflection of his career with the Wagner Company, many other problems arose that forced economic difficulties on him and his family. He was determined to live by ideals that placed him above everyone else. It was with these lies and illusions that Willy's life began to lose its' air of
Friday, October 11, 2019
An Analysis of Jack London’s Revolution Essay
â€Å"The time should be past for the mental attitude: â€Å"Revolution is atrocious. Sir, there is no revolution. †Likewise should the time be past for that other familiar attitude: â€Å"Socialism is slavery. Sir, it will never be. †It is no longer a question of dialectics, theories, and dreams. There is no question about it. The revolution is a fact. It is here now. Seven million revolutionists, organized, working day and night, are preaching the revolution–that passionate gospel, the Brotherhood of Man. Not only is it a cold-blooded economic propaganda, but it is in essence a religious propaganda with a fervour in it of Paul and Christ. The capitalist class has been indicted. It has failed in its management and its management is to be taken away from it. Seven million men of the working-class say that they are going to get the rest of the working-class to join with them and take the management away. The revolution is here, now. Stop it who can. †Final paragraph of Jack London’s ‘Revolution’, (1905). This extract from Jack London`s essay ‘Revolution’ was written during the 1905 Russian Revolution, which would culminate (and subsequently fail) later in the year. The purpose of the essay is to persuade the reader that revolution is not only a necessary and positive occurrence, but also an inevitable one, ‘The revolution is a fact. ‘ The extract develops in conviction throughout, opening with an almost passive recommendation to the reader, ‘The time should be past for the mental attitude,’ and closing on the only imperative sentence used throughout, ‘Stop it who can. ‘ I do not believe that the two quotes within the extract are from any specific person, but that they represent the former opinion of the working class as a whole, ‘Sir, there is no revolution. ‘ This is due to London describing this as a ‘familiar attitude’, and also the use of Sir suggests a person of lower status. Alliteration and sibilance are used to make particular phrases more memorable to the reader, ‘Socialism is slavery†¦ capitalist class. ‘ This may be subtle form of manipulation in itself, as phonetically the repetition of the ‘s’ provides a more pleasant sound than the harsh ‘c’, and communicates to the reader a more positive association for socialism than capitalism. This negative association for the capitalist class is then reinforced through the use of legal jargon, ‘capitalist class had been indicted. ‘ An indictment is a formal written accusation of a criminal offence (this would have been handed up by a grand jury in 1905), which implies that London believes the Russian leader’s failure is so great it amounts to an offence against the state. It is also somewhat symbolic, as in essence ‘Revolution’ is an indictment, with the essay serving as the written accusation and the London and his audience the grand jury. London uses many rhetorical devices throughout the extract, such as ethos, logos and pathos. Ethos relies on the reputation of the author or speaker, and London was one of the most successful writers of his time. I believe he was reasonably well known in 1905 (particularly as The Call of the Wild was published in 1903) and this would have given him the required credibility to successfully convey his opinion based on his name alone. He was also associated with socialism, having run (unsuccessfully) for mayor of Socialist Labour Party in his hometown. Pathos is an emotive tool and the essay title ‘Revolution’ could be considered as such as it is a concept that has strong emotional connotation. Pathos is also employed somewhat through the analogy made between revolution and religion, ‘it is in essence a religious propaganda. ‘ London may have chosen the comparison as religion (if it can be considered movement) is very successful. The comparison is also of note as London himself was an atheist and fond of deriving the Christian religion, which may explain why he chose the post modifier ‘propaganda’ as it has negative connotations. His lack of respect for religion is shown when the religious comparison is developed further, and the revolution becomes, ‘passionate gospel,’ with the ‘Brotherhood of Man’ revolutionaries becoming its followers. Logos is the logical element of rhetoric, and London presents a coherent argument as to why the revolutionaries would succeed. This begins with ‘Seven million revolutionists’ and ends with ‘with a fervor in it of Paul and Christ’. It is built of clauses and sentences that carry equal influence, arranged in a particular order that starts with fact and escalates into blasphemous hyperbole. London uses inductive reasoning as this allows him to use particular facts to form a theory that explains the relationship between them, therefore allowing predictions of future knowledge as claimed at the end. Many specific types of rhetorical features are also present, all of which communicate London`s ideas and persuade the reader to agree with him. Chiasmus is used, ‘It has failed in its management and its management is to be taken from it,’ to encapsulates two important ideas into one sentence, connecting them and highlighting their significance. London also uses a sentential adverb to interrupt the syntax, ‘The revolution is here, now,’ and this ensures the words ‘here’ and ‘now’ are stressed, as lexis either side of an apostrophe is emphasised. Antithesis is used to highlight a contrasting relationship between two ideas, ‘There is no question about it. The revolution is fact. ‘ By juxtaposing the simple declarative sentences in parallel form it appears obvious that something cannot be both a question and a fact, and placing ‘now’ at the end of the sentence provides it with the most emphasis and makes it more memorable. There is also an example of tripling, ‘a question of dialectics, theories, dreams. ‘ This provides contrast, both semantically and structurally, to, ‘revolution is a fact,’ and the hypothetical nature of the former increases the strength of the latter. In conclusion I believe Jack London successfully communicates his beliefs in the extract, and the rhetorical devices used allow him to make the piece confluent and consequently persuasive.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Point of Sale System Essay
Technology nowadays is fast changing and new machines are developed in order to make job faster and convenient. Technologies often have an important role to play and the key to success in competing the world. Automation is designed to maximize efficiency, convenience and quality service offered. It is undeniable that automation is a lot faster compared to the traditional way of doing a job that requires much effort. Computer Base Testing /Exam is a method of administering the test in which the responses are electronically recorded and assessed. Today we are living in a modern world, leading businesses or any other type of company institutions use system that would help benefit their business. Having a system in a business/ institutions proves to be helpful in many ways. In the field of education, implementation of computerized based system that stored, process allows a user to manipulate data easily and its speed of performance incomparable that affected our way of working is seldom applied by school here in Philippines. Technologies have become widespread that even simple tasks are resorted to be done with the aid of these powerful scientific inventions. Through the innovativeness and technical knowledge possessed by men, computers are making revolutionary changes in the way people live, play and work. The contribution of computers in the business fields has been undeniably strong and effective. To perform a complex and tedious work in a very effective manner could be attributed to a computer because of its usefulness like storing, retrieving, and clever of processing information. The microcomputer and development of various software are not just for scientific and engineering use as well as for business purposes made a significant impact on the computer industry. The demand for them grew rapidly when people realized that to make better decision or solve problem, it could be found at the tip of one’s fingers at the quickest time possible. Without us noticing it, our world has been innovated by technology in all possible ways this millennium. People have been replaced by robots, tasks have been made easier by different software, and newly developed technologies have been updated even before it has been introduced to most of the world, and much more, faster than our imagination could catch. These innovations aim to better utilize the existing resources and maximize their uses to be able to bring out new or better products or results. Different institutions have been seeking different form of innovations to their current system for better service to their customers since customer’s satisfaction should always be placed as first priority in whatever business. This strategy is also to maintain their competence in the market, considering the growing number of businesses, establishments and institutions seeking for trust and patronage from customers. Academic institution is of the many organizations which greatly adopts and embraced technological innovation. Many schools have come up with their unique websites in order to create a projection of being competent as an institution, considering that competency nowadays is based on technology. The projection that this innovation brings is simply a greater chance of having more applicants for enrollment year-in and year-out. Computerization is synonymous to the word automation which is the act of implementing the control with equipment with advanced technology, which usually involves using electronic hardware. It also implies the replacement of human workers with machines. (FARL, 2012) An information system describe how the people and information technology communicates and interacts with each oth er in the sense that users used this for their every transaction, to support business processes and the top managers decisions making. Traditionally organizations in our country manage access communicates and share information in a manual manner. Academic establishment like schools use various paper materials and pens to process the manual entrance examinations. In this new era, there are institutions using automated entrance examinations system while other still depend on the manual procedures. A database –management system is a collection of interrelated data that and a set of programs to access those data. The collection of data, usually refers to as the database, contains information relevant to an enterprise. Database systems are designed to manage large bodies of information. Management of data involves both defining structures for storage of information and providing mechanism for the manipulation of information. In addition, the database system must ensure the safety of the information stored, despite system crashes or attempts at unauthorized access. If data are to be shared among several users, the system must avoid possible anomalous results. Because information is so important in most organizations, computer scientist have developed a large body concepts and techniques for managing data. Entrance examination is commonly used in universities enable for the university to accept the examinees as a student to the course chosen by the examinee. By the use of entrance examinations, examinees are being tested to the fullest by answering the exam within a limit. With regards to the entrance examinations in University of Batangas – Lipa Campus uses a traditional way of implementing on entrance exam normally examinees are given a questionnaire sheet and an answer sheet followed by answering the exam manually by using a pencil and an answer sheet. Basically delay of enrollment of new students in school is caused by the deferment of entrance examination results. The manual checking of papers is time consuming. However the proposed Computerized Examination System allows for fast relieve of exam results. The exam results are electronically calculated for accuracy. In order to solve the problem, the researchers propose a system that will minimize all paper works and manual checking, therefore allowing the freshman students wait for fast exam result. This result was calculated after submitting the exam. The group wants to create a computerized entrance examination to accelerate the process of checking for the result and to save the records of examinees either passed or failed. It helps the guidance officer to minimize their work and upgrade their system rather than their old and manual system. As Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) students, the researchers chose the topic for they are interested in developing a database for the computerized entrance examination that will improve the way of giving the freshmen student an accurate and fast result of their exams. The researchers are also capable in doing the system, to enable them to apply the learning that they have learned in the previous courses and utilized their skills in developing and designing a system.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Australian Great Recession Survival
In the year 2008, the major Europe experiences the Global Financial Crisis recession by the name the Great Recession. Most countries with large economies were affected. The recession hit the members of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) like USA and France. Economies in Europe shrank and currencies weakened. The preferred economic interventions failed to work in most economies instead the worse happened. Funnily enough, Australia was never affected by the recession (Bailey and Turok 2016). It remained the single country with advanced International Monetary Fund not affected by the crisis (Bosworth and Rich 2013). Instead, its economy remained stable and vigorous to accommodate its domestic and international demands. The paper aims at evaluating the magic behind the performance of Australian economy during the global crisis. It discusses the country's intervention policy through the Reserve Bank and the fiscal policy intervention by Federal government tha t maneuvered ways for its stability. It is also objectively looking at the role played by China as a trading partner. China played a role in foreign trade category to ensure the success of the economy. The paper then draws a conclusion from the results of the discussion to justify the two questions: Did the success of the economy purely dependable on fiscal policy by Federal government, foreign trade and the role of Reserve Bank? Why the three factors did adequately sustain the economy? The study aims to draw conclusions on the roles played by Federal Government, Reserve Bank, and Foreign trade to maintain Australian economic growth at the crisis point. In macroeconomics, the business cycle considered as fluctuations in the production or any other business. It involves expansionary, and contractionary behaviors of an economy. The best determination of a business cycle is GDP. The components of the cycle are; trough, expansion, peak, and contraction. The definition of a recession is a conceptual reasoning pegged on the level and extent of a crisis. The different intensity levels are used portraying the different scope of impact on an economy (Courvisanos et al. 2016). However, a recession is an economic slowdown contributed to reduce spending. It hampers economic growth by introducing inflation, unemployment, and reduced Gross Domestic Product. The recession creates financial hurdles in an economy by negatively affecting all economic sectors. During a recess, countries take intervention measures to curb the impacts. Among the responses preferred are fiscal policies to increase the spending by reducing tax rate or through monetary policies. Although, there is no guarantee on the effectiveness of measures against the crisis. The government of Australia did a timely intervention to monitor the crisis that had the most terrorizing effects on G7 economies. Before the GFC the country economy was operating at annual GDP of around $1 trillion at the market exchange rate. The GDP level demonstrated the economy as the 14th largest economy in the world. The first intervention policy done by the country focused on the crisis was advocated by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) (Bosworth and Rich 2013. The bold step was taken in around October when the country through RBA announced the cutting of interest rates by 100 basis points. In the same month, the government decided to react proactively by guaranteeing all the bank deposits a wholesale fund at a fee (Doran and Fingleton 2016). The geared step aimed towards the achievement of a stable financial institution. The government intended to empower the banks through which they could sustain stability hence help secure the country's flow of income (Martin 2012). The intervention placed the banks in a competitive mode, an action that threatened the survival of small-scale banks. The stability in financial sectors eased consumers and business worries on the finances and economic issues. The Federal took the initiative of a private sector risk to reduce the tempo of the economy. The second policy taken by the government was the fiscal policy measure. The system directed the package to the weak sectors of the economy (Foster 2016). The areas covered were the household spending and consumption. The coverage represented a population of around 60%. Thus more people were kept safe by the program (Henry 2014). The housing policy advocated for the grant to first home buyers. The spending level of citizens increased and the GDP rose (Bosworth and Rich 2013. The consumption package had quick bonuses to seniors, and the pensioners. It also valued the low-income earners (Pulla 2013). The high propensity level of the households improved hitting the common target. Apart from risen expenditure, the society had cash to carry out activities. The policy attained the average GDP of average consumers in the economy. At June 2009, the country enjoyed a continuous growth with the fiscal, China trade factor and RBA combined. According to various scholars, the economic growth would not have been hit high without fiscal policy intervention. The economic status had a loose monetary policy, low exchange rate, and china's trade contribution. In 2009 when the effect of GFC increased on the economies, the government released another discretionary policy. The government meant to develop a program on infrastructure and also improve consumption (Drew 2016). The program covered the projects on the fast constructed infrastructural base to prepare the country for a long term crisis. The retail trade by 2009 brought a turnover of around 5% something that devastated the US and other significant economies. Their retail trade brought a turnover of around 2% and 3%. The outcome variance came due to the stimulus preference by the countries. Australia preferred a stimulus package for consumption and spending that stabilizes spending and consumption in the market. The low-income household got financial supports to meet their purchasing nature (Capon and Reid 2016). Also, the country had better financial regulations fertile for the fiscal policy effected by the government. The good status of its financial system accommodated the measures advocated for on economic activities. The country's cash rates were higher compared to other trading partners, a factor that enabled the stronger economy (Roos 2014). The existed healthier systems blocked the need to outsource for the financial instruments which could have contributed negatively.  In the absence of fiscal policy, the country would have undergone the worst recess in the history. The countries like the USA that effected monetary policy minus economic policy has been struggling with the crisis impact to date. The GFC collapsed economies of the Australia trading partners. Germany, USA, and France got affected. The country before the GFC had good trade ties with Asia. The large Asia depended on the country's exports such as gold and coal. The USA was also a major importer of Australian exports (Battisti et al. 2013). However, recession left the country with no choice but to trade Asia. The government of China in response to the crisis ordered its banks to borrow and spend. The reaction led to the growth of China economy by around 75% in the year 2009. China's economy grew with expansion in its import demand. Australia began to export its commodities to China and Japan. China being the major importer, increased the Australian export capacity by 10% within five months. The prices attained stability. The export to Asia became more instrumental to the economic growth of the country. The Chinese government created a fertile grounds for Australian trading activities to flourish. The existed high demand on the china's economy on valuable commodities provided the growth gap to the Australian economy. The country had the attentive financial system ready to accommodate and implement changes. The first phase of rectifying the suggesting crisis situations came from the policy of an RBA. The RBA through its first Board meeting GFC proposed the implementation of the cut on the interest rates by 100 basis points. The cut is a 6% reduction. The RBA followed with the different monetary policy that ensured a fall in the cash rate to 3%. The rate indicated a decline of 425 points. The reduced interest rates encouraged borrowing among the population (Reed 2016). The effect translated to increased disposable income. Low-income earners got the opportunity to maintain their spending ability consequently improving economy's expenditure on commodities. Reduction of the interest rate created a movement in the AUD dollar. The reduced dollar helped to lessen the impact of lowered global market price on the country's exports. It improved the level of competition of the country's produce and service exports (Buckley et al. 2014). The reduced exchange rate lasted for a short period, though the exchange rate hit 88 US dollars by 2009. The increase demonstrated an appreciation trend. The policy guidelines portrayed by RBA helped the healthy financial sector resist to collapse. Banks and other financial institutions survived the volatility of the financial situations in the global market. Regardless of the challenges, they still made profits (Tang 2015). The Australian market had no toxic assets that killed the world market in most of the Europe countries. The RBA kept reducing the cash rate in early 2009 to cope with the deteriorating economic conditions. The measure aimed at recovering stabilizing financial systems to help improve the functions of the credit market. The country monetary system performed a massive role by ensuring availability of funds in the banks. Australia had enough cash in its financial institutions, with mortgages for emergencies ((Bailey and Turok 2016). Therefore, the policy by the RBA had a motivating reception for implementation. The banks had low arrears and defaulted a factor that hindered exposure to toxic assets in the global financial market. Regardless of the risks associated with accepting wholesale funding, their confidence enhanced the initiative (Tonts et al. 2014). Through evaluation of alternatives, the RBA noticed the importance of using domestic financial institutions instead of looking for borrowings from the foreign institution. Australia survived the great recess getting out developed due to national and international factors. The major contributor to its success relies upon timely and objectively implemented fiscal policy. The stabilization of financial market came with trade advantages in the exchange market. The monetary policy by RBA bettered the sustainability of the stable economy. The discussion on the fortune and other magic factors never contributed to the economic growth of Australia. The country cultivated from its ready policy and proactive strategies. It stole the chances created by the fast-growing economy provide supply to its large demand market. However, the main reason behind the country's success pegged on the fiscal policy that improved spending ability of low-income earners. From the study, it is appropriate for economies to have robust financial institutions that are sound and dynamic. Countries should be ready to challenge emergencies through the use of their strategies without depending on a similar problem-approach style. Bailey, D. and Turok, I., 2016. Editorial: resilience revisited. Regional Studies, 50(4), pp.557-560. Battisti, M., Deakins, D. and Perry, M., 2013. The sustainability of small businesses in recessionary times: Evidence from the strategies of urban and rural small businesses in New Zealand. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 19(1), pp.72-96. Bosworth, E. and Rich, T., 2013. From optimisation to resilience: The changing nature of the risk reward conversation as seen through Westpac's capital and liquidity management policies. Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions, 6(2), pp.160-166. Buckley, R.P., Weber, R.H. and Dowell-Jones, M., 2014. A Swiss finish for Australia? Approaches to enhancing the resilience of systemically important banks. Capital Markets Law Journal, p.kmu030. Capon, S.J. and Reid, M.A., 2016. Vegetation resilience to mega?drought along a typical floodplain gradient of the southern Murray?Darling Basin, Australia. Journal of Vegetation Science, 27(5), pp.926-937. Courvisanos, J., Jain, A. and K. Mardaneh, K., 2016. Economic resilience of regions under crises: a study of the Australian economy. Regional Studies, 50(4), pp.629-643. Doran, J. and Fingleton, B., 2016. Employment resilience in Europe and the 2008 economic crisis: insights from micro-level data. Regional Studies, 50(4), pp.644-656. Drew, J., 2016. 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Resilience is the name of the game. Architecture Australia, 105(3), p.86. Roos, P.B., 2014, January. Design with nature: a proposed model for coastal settlements in Australia adapting to climate change and extreme weather events. In UHPH 2014: Landscapes and ecologies of urban and planning history: Proceedings of the 12th Australasian Urban History Planning History Conference (pp. 649-664). Australasian Urban History/Planning History Group and Victoria University of Wellington. Tang, S.H.K., 2015. Does Research and Development Intensity Enhance Industrial Growth Performance during Economic Downturns? Inter?Industry Evidence from Australia. Australian Economic Review, 48(3), pp.243-257. Tonts, M., Plummer, P. and Argent, N., 2014. Path dependence, resilience and the evolution of new rural economies: Perspectives from rural Western Australia. Journal of Rural Studies, 36, pp.362-375.
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