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Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Childhood Obesity And Its Effects On Children And Their...
Introduction Childhood obesity, particularly within Australia, is increasingly becoming more and more of an issue in today s society; with obesity expecting to raise around 33% by 2025 (Figure 1). In place are current policy s, legislations and campaigns to assist and promote the prevention of obesity within children and their families. However, looking at statistics, these factors are only making a slight impact on the overall population, this creates an even smaller outcome in the avoidance of childhood obesity in particular. Hit the 100 is a new campaign created to strive to prevent obesity, whilst encouraging healthy living and providing education to children and their families. The health problems arising from obesity are significantly dangerous to one s health and need to be prevented early on, which is why the Hit The 100 campaign targets children. Background If a child is obese, it may cause severe problems to their physical, emotional and social health and wellbeing. These problems can include: stress on the bones and joints, fatty liver, high blood pressure, type two diabetes, snoring and sleep apnea, behavioral problems, stigmatization and low self-esteem. (Dieticians Assoc. Aus., 2010.) The most recent Australian Health Survey between 2011-12 shows the increase in proportion of overweight and obese children in Australia since 1985. It has also been estimated that one third of Australian children will be overweight or obese by 2025 (figure 1).Show MoreRelatedChildhood Obesity : A Developing Problem1197 Words  | 5 PagesObesity in America is a developing problem, and not just in adults. Today, one in three American children and teens are either overweight or obese; almost triple the rate previously in 1963. Child obesity has expeditiously become one of the most genuine health challenges of the 21st century (â€Å"10 Surprising Fa cts About Childhood Obesity†). Physical inactivity, race, junk food in schools, the mass media, and the child’s parents flaws are all factors that have resulted in the prevalence of childhoodRead MoreObesity : The Wild And Wonderful State Of West Virginia Essay1650 Words  | 7 Pages Obesity, and more importantly childhood obesity, is drastically effecting the United States of America and other parts of the world, more and more each day. In the last 30 years, the amount of children who are six to eleven years old have doubled, and children who are twelve to nineteen years old have more than quadrupled. (â€Å"Facts†) The wild and wonderful state of West Virginia unfortunately has the title of the 2nd highest obesity rate in the United States at 35.7% as of 2014. The childhoodRead MoreEffects Of Obesity On Children Health1139 Words  | 5 PagesEffects of Obesity on Children Health Obesity is a serious medical and psychological condition that affects children, adult, and elderly people. According to WHO, People who are above the normal weight for their age and height are called obese. Childhood obesity has been problem in developed as well as in developing countries. As Cause, it is accepted that increase in obesity results from an imbalance between abnormal intake of unhealthy food and drink and also unable to burn calorie. There is increasingRead MoreChildhood Obesity Is An Alarming Issue In Australia, And1434 Words  | 6 PagesChildhood obesity is an alarming issue in Australia, and there is not only a rapid national epidemic in Australia and around the world. Obese children are likely to develop detrimental problems in their health and have enduring social, health and economic effects that permeate throughout adulthood. Early detection and management of childhood obesity are critical in preventing obesity during adulthood, considering it is a significan t contributor to the adulthood epidemic. Thus, there are several socialRead MoreObesity The Problem Of Children!. Are You Aware Of1662 Words  | 7 Pages Obesity the problem of children! Are you aware of that over million American children are struggling with obesity? Obesity is a serious medical and psychological condition that affects children, adult, and elderly people. According to WHO, People who are above the normal weight for their age and height are called obese. Being overweight an early age has been global problematic. As Cause, high number of obesity results from an abnormal intake of unhealthy food and drink and also unable toRead MoreVideo Mediums and Childhood Obesity971 Words  | 4 PagesVideo Mediums and Childhood Obesity Childhood Obesity has now reached a critical level. The main reason for the growing number of obese children is inactivity. With obesity in children being related to many health issues, it is important that we not only stop the rise in childhood obesity, but reverse it. With their health at risk, it is imperative that we assure our children are in good physical shape and at healthy weight levels. The stakes are quite high, according to the U.S. DepartmentRead MoreObesity Is The Reason Our Youth972 Words  | 4 Pages Introduction Childhood obesity has been on a steady incline over the past 30 years and is considered a serious public health concern, especially in elementary school aged children. According to the US Surgeon General, nearly one in three children are overweight or obese (US Department of Human Health Services, 2014). The American Heart Association (2010) has age and sex specific growth charts that show the calculation of children’s BMI using their height and weight. When children’s weight isRead MoreChildhood Obesity Is A Medical Condition1109 Words  | 5 Pages Childhood obesity is a medical condition that is found in children, teenagers and middle aged people. Everyone has a unique body shape and structure that is engineered right for them but sometimes the body will store more body fat than required. If an individual stores more fat than an average person is supposed to, then they can be categorized as obese. Childhood obesity can be identified seeing if the weight of a child is well above that of an average for a child s height and age. For anRead MoreNutrition And Weight Status : Preventing Childhood Obesity1478 Words  | 6 PagesNutrition and Weight Status: Preventing Childhood Obesity A healthy diet is the foundation for achieving a healthy lifestyle. Nutrition, the intake of food in order to provide the body with its dietary needs, is important when referring to a healthy diet (Potter, Perry, Stockert Hall, 2013). Nutrition is good when the body receives the essentially balanced nourishment required to sustain life and successfully perform bodily functions. However, poor nutrition can result in decreased productivityRead MoreThe Obesity Epidemic Of Children1437 Words  | 6 Pageslink to obese children The obesity epidemic holds the responsibility to annihilate many of the health benefits that have contributed to the increased durability recognised in the world today. In 2014, approximately 41 million children under 5 years of age were affected by overweight or obesity. Today, progress in extinguishing childhood obesity has been gradual and conflicting. A greater number of children are, even from before birth, on the brink to developing obesity. Children who are not yet
Monday, December 23, 2019
Determining The Population Structure Of Salmo Salar
Joshua Igin Determining the Population Structure of Salmo salar (Atlantic Salmon) in the Salmon River, NY The Salmon River is located in Oswego County New York and it empties into Lake Ontario at Port Ontario. It is a major hub of public recreational fishing in New York State and contains a variety of fish including Chinook, Coho, and Atlantic Salmon as well as Brown Trout and many others. The Salmon River was an extremely productive tributary into the late 19th century. Unfortunately, a variety of factors led to the degradation of the water and subsequently the Atlantic Salmon population collapsed. These factors included deforestation, over-fishing, and dam construction. (dec.ny) In 1981 the Salmon River Hatchery was formed in Altmar NY,†¦show more content†¦(Falconer and Mackay, 1996). Additionally, (Youngson et al 2003) explains that in the management of hatcheries, managers must make decisions based on population structure and genetic insight. This research would provide novel information that could inform better decision making in terms of the effectiveness and efficiency of the hatchery. The Atlantic Salmon is an appropriate fish to study because of it’s importance globally. It is a commonly eaten fish, and is very prevalently produced used in aquaculture techniques. In addition to that, it’s a fish that has seen a dramatic population decline globally. There are major conservation efforts concerning it, specifically on the coast of Maine. It is an anadromous fish, and typically spends 2-3 years in freshwater, then spends about 2-3 years in the ocean and then returns to it’s native river to spawn. This makes it very vulnerable to the conditions it may face in both environments. The general approach of this study will follow similar methodology to the approach used in Ward 2006. The Genetic diversity within the populations will be examined based on samples locus genotypes and the genome diversity can be examined for fits to Hardy-Weinberg expectations. The genetic differentiation between the samples will be quantified using the FST statistic from Wright,Show MoreRelatedSalmon Culture Site Selection For A Partially Integrated Coho Salmon3086 Words  | 13 Pagesintegrated coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) operation. Sarah Davis 27600105 Applied Biology 418 Dr. Ackerman October 31, 2014 Introduction The commercial culture of salmonids is concentrated on three high value species: Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (Asche and Bjorndal 2011). Early North American commercial salmon culturists favoured coho salmon as a culture species due to their rapid growth rate and hardiness (iRead MoreEia - Scoping Report: Fictional Marina Development6426 Words  | 26 PagesPhase Negative visual impacts may result from extensive vegetation clearance, however careful re-planting can enhance the landscape. The development presents an opportunity to considerably improve the local landscape by the removal of derelict structures. Construction plant may be a visual nuisance to local residents, though this is largely unavoidable and limited to the construction phase. Figure 2, an aerial photo of the site, showing the nearby areas that will be most affected. Image  ©GoogleRead MoreField Experiment On Surface Water Groundwater Exchange6106 Words  | 25 Pagesare able to utilize a wider range of habitats (Kennedy et al. 2008, Armstrong and Nislow 2006). Post emergence survivability also depends largely on environmental conditions. Studies investigating the spatial scale for juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) following emergence provide evidence that post emergent salmon are likely to remain near their nest, even if moving could improve their growth (Einum 2011, 2012), suggesting that post-emergent salmon may benefit from the fluxes of upwelling areas
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Enhancement Of Computer Literacy In Primary Students At Central Colleges Free Essays
string(264) " This paper will place and analyse why the Computer Literacy in primary pupils is dwindling, the factors which determine literacy and suggest recommendation for the publicity of mechanism that needs to heighten accomplishments, cognition in primary degree pupils\." 1. Beginning of usage of Information and Communication Technology have been re-engineering about all the Fieldss of human life from basic demands like pass oning with friend populating abroad to cardinal demands like instruction, wellness and administration. That is non merely a technological development but besides a societal revolution that enforces the primary pupils, to detect new wonts, advanced ethical motives and production of new life systems, so that to accommodate with planetary alteration in human civilization and life manner. We will write a custom essay sample on Enhancement Of Computer Literacy In Primary Students At Central Colleges or any similar topic only for you Order Now Our instruction system besides to be formulate to run into this construct and to be aligned with this new engineering. Hence, the advanced distribution of Information Communication Technology ( ICT ) for instruction of primary pupils is going compulsive demand since the professionalism is the anchor that could alter the civilization and the society in clip to clip towards create outstanding life status expected by the people. 2. Today, it is highly of import that a primary pupil should be competent with coherency in the country of computing machines and engineering. It is impossible to be successful in today ‘s occupation market and high tech life style, if our primary pupils are failed for seasonably educate every bit early as possible to accommodate the bing demand to this topic. 3. The computing machine literacy is now an indispensable tool that all pupils must be familiar with in order to finish their everyday surveies and concentrating for future occupation demand. Whatever our occupation ; Teacher, Planner, Lawyer, Accountant or Salesperson ; computing machine literacy are compulsory them to win. Primary pupils are besides need to derive certain degree of computing machine literacy in order to finish basic every twenty-four hours skills to confront our future society. In Cardinal Colleges in Sri Lanka most of the primary pupils are cognizant with computing machine surveies but they have to utilize it in a manner to accomplish compulsory consequences need for fall in the future universe and fall in the hereafter community. 4. The usage of the cyberspace installation is extremely required accomplishment for pupils and they are to exhaustively get the hang it decidedly. Computer literacy and Internet are about one ; in the same thing normally one is n’t mentioned without the other tagging along. Without the Internet, there would be no manner to immediately happen the name of a celebrated book your favourite author was in five old ages ago. Primary pupils will necessitate to be familiar with the Internet in all types of educational methods whether it is research on any subject or surfing for information. For this purpose primary pupils need to cognize what a hunt engine is and how it works, what a keyword is and how it works, how to open a browser and how to utilize a nexus, etc. The Internet is a immense wealth of information that every pupils should take advantage for gather information accomplishments. There are web sites that will assist primary pupils to happen educational Tourss by posting th eir sketch online. Online skills allow primary pupils to larn and portion societal, cultural, environmental facts of other states, people and faiths. Many secondary degree pupils today are now acquiring their degree online in the comfort of their ain places on their ain agenda. It ‘s astonishing how today with a twosome of chinks, every pupil can travel anyplace in the universe in two, three seconds without go forthing their computing machine. 5. Promotion of computing machine literacy is one of the most indispensable countries in instruction. The of import function which it plays is rational, societal, emotional and religious development of kids. The pupils usually use centripetal perceptual experiences to cognize his immediate milieus. It is automatically widens his vision. The computing machine literacy accomplishments of pupils are non a one clip experience. It is a uninterrupted life-time experience. It is accepted that a proper accomplishments of Computer Literacy has to be inculcated and nurtured in the early old ages of age. 6. It must be distinguished as the ability to work with understanding and grasp. In Sri Lanka computing machine is largely a â€Å" Information Communication Technological †accomplishment which is brought about by beastly repeat of a given stimulation together with the appropriate response. It is a affair of some uncertainty whether all kids have acquired the ability to larn in the echt sense, by the clip they have reached school go forthing age. It needs at least four old ages to achieve the computing machine accomplishment and is it sensible to anticipate these kids who drop out after primary degree to prolong that accomplishment afterwards? Computer literacy is a non a terrible complex procedure. It is an mean simple accomplishment which one time learned, can be increased with referral to the Information Technological contented publications. Chapter II Methodology Purpose 1. This paper will emphasis and analyse why the kids are non skilled in Computer Literacy and for examine the factors which determine computing machine literacy in kids and what stairss have to be taken for the sweetening of computing machine literacy and information technological accomplishments in primary school kids in Central Colleges in Sri Lanka. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 2. It is required to analyze of Primary degree pupils of Central Colleges computing machine literacy and the present environment to heighten their capablenesss in computing machine literacy. In this research demand to concentrate on their Computer educational system and clear up the troubles and the to the mechanism that they required to beef up the computing machine literacy, information engineering facets, as sing the future occupation chances that can be gained by primary pupils in Central Colleges Sri Lanka. 3. The inquiry is at present scenario is, the primary school pupils in Central Colleges in Sri Lanka have non been able to get the needed criterion of Computer literacy, and information engineering to heighten their minimal accomplishments required in Computer field. 4. This paper will place and analyse why the Computer Literacy in primary pupils is dwindling, the factors which determine literacy and suggest recommendation for the publicity of mechanism that needs to heighten accomplishments, cognition in primary degree pupils. You read "Enhancement Of Computer Literacy In Primary Students At Central Colleges" in category "Essay examples" RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS 5. Mechanism will be beef uping to confront the future occupation demand. In this facet is to be achieved in a manner of researching experimental computing machine survey of counsel in preparation with Government educational policies on Information Technology for sweetening of Computer Literacy of primary pupils in Central Colleges Scope OF STUDY The range of this research focused on the primary pupils in Grade 1 to Rate 5, their instructors and principals are to pull out their thoughts by questionnaire and interviews. Besides the research will analyse educational specializers ‘ personal positions on what should be the background environing the primary school kids to advance their Computer literacy. The namelessness of the research worker was maintained by inquiring inquiries from certain group caputs and instructors under the name of a consented person. The intent was to extinguish colored replies which may be given as a consequence of the fact that the inquiries are presented by a known IT teacher. This is besides to look into any differences in response for the same inquiries based on computing machine literacy. This method is adopted as the subject is of sensitive nature and based wholly on single attitudes. METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION 7. Data aggregation methods are as follows. a. Primary beginning. ( 1 ) Primary beginning of information were collected by questioning IT educationists and caputs of schools. ( 2 ) Further information aggregation done by a questionnaire prepared for the primary school pupils and their instructors. B. Secondary beginnings. Books, paper articles and web sites used as the secondary beginnings of information. Chapter ORGANIZATION The thesis is structured as follows: a. Chapter I Introduction B. Chapter II Methodology Chapter III Computer Literacy of Primary Students in Central Colleges ( 1 ) Computer literacy debut of primary pupils ( 2 ) Present literacy accomplishments and IT environment of primary pupils Chapter IV Weather educational support and the needed counsel and aid will supply to heighten the computing machine literacy How instructors adopt educational method to better computing machine literacy of pupils through policies of educational section. How the other facets on substructure installations given to better on computing machine literacy of primary pupils ( 3 ) Enhancement of Computer literacy and IT Skills of Students I Learning involvements of pupils two Students involvements in cyberspace three College IT Environment four Teachers sentiment about Computer literacy Chapter V Impact of Computer Literacy for primary pupils at Central Colleges and future Job demand at society ( 1 ) . How the computing machine literacy aid to increase occupation demand for future society ( 2 ) . Increase occupation demands and the computing machine literacy as chief educational facets of demands in primary pupils. Chapter VI Reasons behind the inefficiency of present patterns on computing machine surveies of pupils. Why the basic computing machine demands can non continue the computing machine instruction at Central Colleges Present accomplishments of pupils and personal involvement on computing machine literacy of primary pupils. Education degree of primary pupils in line with present engineering alterations behind computing machine educational systems. Awareness surveies and competence of instructors on freshly introduced package systems and theories on computing machine surveies. Other facets that can be used to increase the computing machine surveies. The malfunction exist in modus operandi and system stableness on computing machine surveies of pupils Advantages and disadvantages of using equal survey hours for addition computing machine literacy. Chapter VI Chapter VII J. Chapter VIII Chapter III LANGUAGE APTITUDE OF PRIMARY SCHOOL CHILDREN 1. Language is a procedure that helps people to show themselves and to do effectual societal relationship among people all over the universe. It is done linguistic communication that people could get information to better their basic demands such as wellness wonts, consciousness, scientific alterations and different types of accomplishments to gain a life. Piaget, the celebrated physiologist believed that the existent key to human rational development, conceptual development, is linguistic communication. Language is the most effectual manner of communicating. The deficiency of linguistic communication ability frequently hinders one ‘s advancement. The linguistic communication aptitude and literacy public presentation of the primary degree indicates the criterions of kids ‘s reading wonts and information accomplishments. LANGUAGE LEARNING OUTCOME IN SRI LANKA 2. Sri Lanka has attained the first coevals instruction aim of supplying widespread entree to primary instruction ( grades 1-5 ) . However one major challenge that the state has to get the better of is the moderate degree of larning accomplishment in linguistic communication proficiency among primary school kids. 3. Harmonizing to recent surveies carried out by NIE and NEREC, University of Colombo merely between 35 to 38 per cent of primary school pupils have achieved standard degree of their female parent lingua ( Annex ‘B ‘ ) . This is a serious restraint to further acquisition, as all subsequent surveies will pull on the kid ‘s female parent lingua capableness. 4. There is a considerable difference in the accomplishment of command degree in their first linguistic communication between urban and rural schools. Harmonizing to the above surveies more than 40 per cent of urban kids achieve command degree in their female parent linguistic communication contrast to below 34 per cent in rural countries. Besides more than 1/3 of students have failed to accomplish standard degree for their female parent linguistic communication. This shows the dwindling of reading wonts and information accomplishments among primary school kids. 5. The regional disparity in accomplishing command degree in first linguistic communication is clearly shown in Table III.I. 41.24 per cent of Western state Grade 5 pupils achieve command degree in contrast to 42.40 per centum in Uva state pupils have failed to accomplish the needed criterion degree. This shows how the handiness of physical and human resources affects public presentation. Mastery = 80 % – 100 % Non Mastery = 0 – 59 % Table III.I – Achieving command degrees in literacy in Grade 5 – by provincial degrees Source – Performance of Grade 5 pupils in literacy and numeracy – NIE LITERACY SKILLS OF CHILDREN 5. Harmonizing to the research undertaking on development of linguistic communication accomplishments among primary school kids carried out by NLDC ( Annex ‘C ‘ ) , the overall public presentation of Grade 2 students is satisfactory. There is barely any disparity between territories or among school types. 6. The Grade 4 appraisal revealed disparity in public presentation among the territories and between school types. AAVG degree schools show highest public presentation while SS degree schools show hapless public presentation. These fluctuations in public presentation pin-point the inequalities in distribution of acquisition and instruction installations for the school topics, peculiarly in linguistic communication accomplishments. 7. More than half of the figure of students in the sample have non been able to achieve the expected accomplishment degree for the vocabulary A ; synonyms/ opposite word, spelling and grammatical authorship ability and originative squeeze accomplishments for the Grade, after four old ages of schooling. This suggests that they are enduring from deficiency of reading wonts. Chapter IV Reading INTERESTS AND INFORMATION SKILLS OF CHILDREN Reading INTERESTS OF CHILDREN 1. There is no peculiar age at which a kid should really get down the procedure of larning to read. It should appeal to existent activity, to self-generated work based upon personal demand and involvement. Children have an innate desire to cognize about their milieus. As the kid develops larning through centripetal perceptual experience, he becomes more and more funny to understand his environment ; what has happened and what is go oning are his involvements. 2. Children may come to understand an of import portion of their universe through the experience of reading. They start to larn about reading in a natural and incidental manner. If a book satisfies child ‘s demands, he will get down reading it for pleasance. A kid begins familiarity with a book by looking at images. If the book catches his involvement, he returns to the book once more. Besides he is being exposed to the printed word in the environment such as coach boards, assorted postings on the main road, route marks, labels of goods in the market, advertizements on telecasting and newspapers. The kid sees tonss of words in his environment and attempts to hold on them meaningfully. Therefore, most kids have a signifier of consciousness of the printed word. 3. Harmonizing to the survey it has clearly shown that kids are interested in books, magazines, kids ‘s documents and they have a thirst for information, cognition and communicating. This built-in desire and involvement found in kids has to be harnessed to better their reading wonts and information accomplishments. As such it is the responsibility and duty of the parent, the instructor and the governments to take the full usage of it. Table IV.I would wish to pass my Table IV.II would wish to pass my leisure clip aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦.- Grade 2 leisure clip aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦.- Grade 4 CHILDREN ‘S INTERESTS IN MEDIA 4. The child gets motivated to read when he hears narratives or when an grownup reads aloud a narrative to him. Today the kid could acquire this type of satisfaction through the mass media. When kids watch telecasting or listen to the wireless, those programmes which are meant for kids create consciousness and demand for reading and they could be made usage of to develop reading wonts and information accomplishments. 5. As per the survey it is revealed that Both Grade 2 and 4 kids ‘s best telecasting programme is cartoon narratives. Most of kids like to listen to vocals and narratives by wireless. These involvements could be made usage of in varied ways to develop reading wonts and information accomplishments in the schoolroom and place. Table IV.V – Interest on Television Table IV.VI – Interest on Television Grade 2 Grade 4 Table IV.V – Interest on Radio Table IV.VI – Interest on Radio Grade 2 Grade 4 Table IV.I – Grade 2 Table IV.II – Grade 4 Children ‘s involvements on kids ‘s paper 6. Above two tabular arraies indicate that a really high per centum of kids in all three territories read kids ‘s documents. It was found that this is a wont developed by the good instructors of those schools by interchanging documents within the category, when those parents who could afford to purchase documents for their kids convey them to school. This high per centum suggests that if reading stuffs are made available to kids, and so reading wonts and information accomplishments of primary school kids could be decidedly improved. Chapter V Reading AND CHILDHOOD ENVIRONMENT 1. As a foundation for the development of reading wonts and information accomplishments, the four linguistic communication accomplishments listening, speech production, composing and reading has to be developed in the schoolroom and the place. The kid should be able to read with easiness and installation in order to develop reading as a wont. The first necessity for this is to derive ability to place letters and words. Then the kid has to read words and sentences to deduce significance and addition cognition, information etc. This is a complex procedure. 2. Reading accomplishments could develop merely if reading stuffs are available. Non handiness of suited reading stuffs create serious restrictions in developing reading wonts. Hence the laying of foundation on a sound terms is the duty of the parent, the instructor and the school. SCHOOL BACKGROUND 3. A teaching-learning state of affairs is significantly affected by the handiness of edifice with sufficient figure of schoolrooms, siting adjustment and furniture. Primary subdivisions of some popular urban schools have more than 50 students in one schoolroom, which could suit merely 40. This state of affairs has resulted adversely. Neither the instructor nor the student could travel approximately freely to give and have single attending. 4. The state of affairs is worse in some schools where the categories are conducted in unpartitioned unfastened halls. In such schools both learning and acquisition has become plodding and some instructors are force to carry on categories under the trees in the garden. 5. The instructor is the cardinal factor in bettering reading accomplishments and wonts in students when resources are sub criterion. In those schools the instructor is the lone beginning of larning. Out of the 25 instructors who supplied information through the questionnaire, 21 are primary instruction trained and 3 are trained alumnuss. However the response of caput of the schools revealed that there are quite figure of instructors who are non trained. The criterion of instruction doubtless recedes when instructors are non trained for the profession. 6. Out of 15 schools entirely primary instruction is given in merely 5 schools. In those schools primary instruction is wholly managed by a Deputy Head. Of other 8 school primary caputs three are trained five are alumnuss with station sheepskin. Academic professional position of the caput of the school, his attitude toward bettering the female parent lingua, committedness to his profession, his support in supplying reading stuffs and advancing reading wonts is of significance in this context. 7. Out of 15 schools of the sample five schools do non posses libraries providing to the reading demands of primary school kids. Out of the 10 school libraries three of them have 100 – 500 books. Three school libraries have less than 1000 books and two National schools in Colombo territory and one National school in each other two territories have a wealth of 3000 or more books. The two schools in the sample which have a few books received as a contribution complained that there are no storage installations available for them even to maintain them safely. Out of the 15 schools 7 schools do non purchase even a individual newspaper. In the average clip out of remainder 8 schools merely 5 schools buy kids ‘s paper for the primary school kids. 8. Except for the national schools bibliothecs trained for the occupation are non available in the remainder of the schools. In most of these schools a instructor from the staff helps in the library. In three schools a miss is employed for the work in the library paying a nominal fee. 9. This clearly displays the disparity between schools with sub standard resources and schools with above mean standard resources. This fact substantiates the position presented earlier that the socio economic degree at place and school affect achievement degree of kids. TEACHERS OPINION ABOUT Reading 10. The response presented by the 25 instructors of the schools of the sample revealed that kids are truly interested in reading and instructors do their best to advance reading by pull offing schoolroom libraries under hard state of affairss. Each kid in the schoolroom brings a narrative book at the beginning of the twelvemonth. Sometimes instructors give the names of the list of narrative books. Besides those who can afford to purchase kids ‘s paper conveying them to the category. These books and documents are exchanged among the students. There by instructors help kids to develop reading wonts. Alternatively in some schools instructors get a few books, approximately 30 from the secondary school library and administer them among kids one time a month or so. 11. Some instructors are of the sentiment that the primary course of studies contain far excessively much stuff for the twelvemonth that they can non finish and it is hard for them to concentrate on developing the reading wonts separately. There should be truth in the content of the course of study to provide single demands. Besides they pointed out that Grade 2 and Grade 4 even Grade 5 text books do non actuate kids to read as the narratives do non rouse their feeling and wonder. Narratives do non make chances for kids to believe. Therefore the instructors say that kids automatically read by bosom, even if they can non place letters, words or significance of what they pretend to read. Therefore the governments concerned have to be more cautious in the choice and rating course of study and text book content. 12. Teachers besides revealed that in add-on to the scarceness of reading stuff, kids of sub criterion and mean type schools suffer from other lacks such as socio economic conditions at place, big households, parents non been educated, their inability to recognize the importance of reading. 13. Method of learning dramas an of import function in larning state of affairs. What was observed was instructors are more concerned with covering the course of study, simply utilizing general methods of learning without thought of particular and advanced techniques and single differences of scholars. There is barely any system of measuring reading. Teachers do non look to set about feedback programmes and maintain record of it. Lack of learning AIDSs was observed in most of the schools and instructors depend merely on ‘Talk and Chalk ‘ . Home BACKGROUND 14. Research done in western states has revealed that success in reading had been achieved by kids who were provided with plentifulness of chances for reading and entree to books. Avid readers had narratives read or told to them on a regular basis by parents or expansive parents. 15. Children read anything and everything they get hold of as they are interested in reading. If is hence the responsibility of the grownups to choose suited books for kids, as they can non know apart between suited books and books non suited for them and measure them. 16. It is assumed that when household size is big, kids do non acquire equal demand satisfaction enjoyed by kids of little households of the same income degree. In the questionnaire the household size of students was divided in to two classs. a. Class 1 – Number of household members four or less B. Class 2 – Number of household members five or more Table V.I – Bespeaking household size 17. Harmonizing to the tabular array V.I in Colombo territory smaller sized households per centum is higher than other two territories. This factor seemed to hold affected the achievement public presentation of kids, as it is evident from the highest ML per centum in Colombo territory. 18. Parental support in providing reading stuffs such as books, documents and magazines doubtless helped development of kids ‘s reading wonts and information accomplishments. This in bend is conditioned by the socio economic position of parents. Table V.II A ; Table V.III indicate the figure of books Grade 2 and Grade 4 kids posses is quite eloquent of this factor. Table V.II – No. of books kids posses for auxiliary reading – Grade 2 Table V.III – No. of books kids posses for auxiliary reading – Grade 4 19. The tabular array V.II shows 10 per cent of Grade 2 students in Colombo territory have more than 10 books for excess reading while other two territories kids have below 10 books. Besides the tabular array V.III indicates 54 per cent of Grade 4 students in Colombo territory have more than 10 books for excess reading while other two territories it is below by 36 per cent. This factor besides seemed to hold affected the achievement public presentation of kids, as it is evident from the highest ML per centum in Colombo territory. 20. The names of books read by students indicate that they read whatever those come in their manner, they have no pick. They read anything and everything they get hold of as they are interested in reading. It is hence, the responsibility of the grownups to choose suited books for kids as they can non know apart between suited books and books non suited for them and measure them. Daily % Lord’s daies % Sometimes % Never % Kandy 12.9 40.5 35.3 11.2 Kalutara 19.5 34.5 32.7 13.3 Capital of sri lanka 22.4 41.3 28.4 7.8 Entire % 18.2 38.8 32.2 10.7 Table V.IV – Houses that bargain newspapers – Grade 4 21. 10.7 per cent of the overall sample of kids ‘s parents do non purchase a newspaper. However 38.8 per cent of the sample bargain Sunday newspapers. This may be due to the fact that other signifier of mass media like the telecasting and wireless are being sought after for enjoyment and acquiring information. Thereby a good chance that the parents could offer in actuating the kid to develop his wont of reading is neglected. It is merely a really hapless per centum of parents buy newspapers daily. Even in Colombo territory 22.4 per cent of the sample merely buy newspapers daily. It may hold been caused by two factors. It may be due to miss of money or of clip to read documents. Whatever it is, if the parents could afford to purchase newspapers day-to-day it would be a motive for the kid to read and better their information accomplishments. Chapter VI SUMMARY OF FINDINGS 1. More than 1/3 of primary school students have failed to accomplish standard degree for their female parent linguistic communication. 2. Most of Grade 2 students have acquired the linguistic communication skills satisfactorily. 3. a. More than 50 per cent of students have non acquired the linguistic communication accomplishments expected for the class, at the terminal of the twelvemonth. B. Performance of Grade 4 students in vocabulary A ; synonyms/ opposite word, spelling and grammatical authorship ability and originative squeeze accomplishments are really hapless. 4. There is a pronounced disparity in accomplishment of linguistic communication accomplishments among territories and between school types. 5. There is no just proviso of physical and human resources available in schools as yet for the publicity of reading wonts and information accomplishments. 6. Most of the primary schools of the sample do non posses libraries. Lack of suited reading stuffs, bibliothecs, varied sorts of books, a big measure of books of quality to provide to change demands and involvements of primary kids are found to be obstructions which stand in the manner of development of reading wonts and information accomplishments. 7. The course of study, text books and methods of learning do non look to accommodate the changed society of the modern twenty-four hours and it will non supply any encouragement to kids for the betterment of reading wonts. 8. The parental support and encouragement at place is non plenty for the kids to develop reading wonts and information accomplishments. 9. Family size the and the socio economic position of parents affect to the development of reading wonts and information accomplishments of kids. 10. Childs are interested in books, magazines, kids ‘s documents and they have a thirst for information, cognition and communicating. Chapter VII Decision 1. Reading is one of the most of import constituents of linguistic communication. It is a basic tool topic particularly in primary school. Reading helps to larn all the other countries of the school course of study and provides critical agencies of larning. Reading is believed as a procedure of geting information, having a massage from a print in a meaningful manner. 2. Reading is of greatest significance to the educationalist because it is their duty to steer the kid to develop his entire personality for the public assistance of the single kid and for the public assistance of the full society and besides because it is the right of the kid to be literate. It is of import for kids to read good books and develop their reading wonts and information accomplishments, in order to turn physically and mentally. Good reading wonts are necessary for a healthy rational growing. 3. It is a affair of some uncertainty whether all kids have acquired the ability to read in the echt sense, by the clip they have reached school go forthing age. Teacher influence, place background and book proviso hold the key to an betterment in reading. The chief aim of transporting out this survey was to happen out the ground for lack in reading wonts and information accomplishments among primary school kids. The quality of reading wonts and information accomplishments of anyone depends on many factors. Cardinal factors among those are ability to read with easiness and installation, comprehended what is read and infers information. Besides achievement degree of reading wonts and information accomplishments depend on the ability to construe either in written or unwritten signifier when necessary state of affairs arise. 4. During this research it has been observed that there is no just proviso of physical and human resources in the schools to develop reading wonts and information accomplishments in primary school kids. It is besides revealed that this of import duty has non been undertaken earnestly and satisfactorily either by the parents or by the instructors and governments concerned though the kids have clearly shown that they are like to be engaged in excess reading. 5. This survey suggests that there should be quality and measure betterment in kids ‘s reading wonts in Sri Lanka. Besides there should be better methods of choosing books for kids and better technique to administer them, within primary school kids. Further it suggests to supply sufficient physical and human resources to the primary schools to develop kids ‘s reading wonts and information accomplishments. Chapter VIII RECOMMENDATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EDUCATION AUTHORITIES 1. About 50 per cent of the schools of the sample suffer due to miss of physical and human resources. Equitable proviso of resources to all primary schools in the inland is an impossible undertaking. Yet, action has to be taken to relieve these disagreements by providing basic necessities, such as separate categories, libraries and reading suites, 500 – 1000 kids ‘s books a few magazines and kids ‘s documents, storage installations and trained bibliothecs. Renovating primary school edifices at least one time a twelvemonth and besides maintain the ambiance of the school pleasant and attractive to kids is recommended. 2. Principles as leaders have to educate the parents and acquire their aid for the public assistance of the school. Besides could seek community aid for readying of learning AIDSs, acquiring reading stuffs as contributions from the flush etc. Leadership and committedness of principals is critical importance for the betterment of kids ‘s instruction. Therefore caput of the schools have to be selected carefully and they should be given a preparation how to develop primary kids ‘s instruction by bettering reading wonts. SUGGESTIONS FOR PARENTS AND TEACHERS 3. Developing the love for good reading is one of the greatest benefits that we can supply for kids. In order to enrich the reading environment of kids, reading wonts should make the people in rural countries. We have to advance reading among them. Therefore engagement of people in the community should be promote in reading publicity activities, because first and first parents have to understand how of import it is for kids to read good books and develop a reading wont. 4. Parents ‘ consciousness towards reading dramas an of import function in advancing reading by making a reading household environment. The parents should recognize that reading must get down from a really immature age and the instructors should steer them. Mothers can assist a great trade in advancing reading wonts by narrating narratives, singing rimes, vocals, verse forms etc, while feeding, dressing their kids. 5. Those who are able can read books to kids who can non read letters. This will make merely an involvement in kids to read. When kids can read female parents should listen to their reading and praise them. Then kids will experience proud of them and go fond of reading and accordingly parents would purchase reading stuffs whenever they could. 6. The school is the centre in advancing reading wonts and information accomplishments among kids. The instructor is the cardinal factor who integrates all activities of kids ‘s acquisition. One possible agencies of advancing reading wont by the instructor is to form a category library or a book corner exposing kids to a richer reading environment by supplying more printed stuffs to accommodate the class degree. This could be done with the cooperation of parents. 7. The instructor should form a free reading activity one time a hebdomad. She could present such points as marionette shows, games, competitions, dramas, play, narrative relation and other activities related to linguistic communication development and reading involvements. 8. The instructors besides must try to associate reading to every activity of the school twenty-four hours. This is possible in the primary school as it offers a conductive environment for integrating survey accomplishments and reading development work into the regular course of study. Because one instructor is normally responsible for most countries of the course of study, the instructor could easy set her normal schoolroom activities for reading publicity. MASS MEDIA AND READING HABITS DEVELOPMENT 9. Using mass media is another avenue for making an involvement in reading. For illustration holding interesting book reappraisal columns in newspapers, treatments on books over the wireless and telecasting and besides treatments, kids ‘s programmes etc. These activities would help in circulating information to the multitudes about value of books and reading on a wider graduated table. However sometimes parental neglect force kids to acquire addicted to watching the telecasting and it would be an obstruction for reading wont development. 10. Therefore parents should ; a. Curtail telecasting screening clip and offer kids other interesting activities as options. B. They should watch good programmes with kids and discourse their good facets. c. Talk about force shown on telecasting and show disapproval of aggressive behaviour and point out alternate ways of confronting jobs and see that they watch less force. Distribution OF QUALITY BOOKS 11. It has been found that still there are lacks in the production of quality books for primary school kids. Besides there are lacks in appropriate and just distribution of books, both bibliothecs and instructor replacements etc. Quick remedial action has to be taken to extinguish these defects, for the betterment of reading wonts among primary school kids. 12. There is a deficiency of clear apprehension among authors and publishing houses, of the aim of bring forthing kids ‘s books and how it should be directed. Therefore stairss have to be taken to bring forth quality books, which become more originative and awaken kid ‘s imaginativeness and wonder so that kids begin to read for pleasance, which is a stepping-stone for life long involvement in reading. 13. Distribution of books has to be carried out in such a manner that many kids are benefited. It could be done through public libraries, provincial libraries, community libraries, school libraries and so away. It is indispensable that all primary schools in the island be provided with a library equipped with a scope of books, kids ‘ paper and suited magazines and trained bibliothecs. Thus publicity of better library installations all over the state is envisaged. 14. Library system has to be recognized in such a manner that even a class 2 student could do usage of the library. The kids should be taught how to happen a book, what type of book to choose etc. The instructor should look into the kids ‘s reading wont by inquiring inquiries about the inside informations of books read. These manner kids could be motivated to read, making a life long involvement for reading. 15. Another demand for the twenty-four hours is altering of the library system in conformity with the altering society. Librarians could play a important function in advancing reading wonts among kids with dedication and devotedness. These Public and Provincial libraries can form interesting activities such as ; the narrative hr, quiz competition, book nines, book carnivals, reading cantonments, reading hebdomads at regional, provincial and national degrees with the co-operation of high bookmans. How to cite Enhancement Of Computer Literacy In Primary Students At Central Colleges, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Debut Albums and Hero free essay sample
A hero is portrayed differently in everybody eyes either positively or negatively and they come in all shapes and sizes. From everyday heroism to depiction of what the media feeds society, what is truly considered the meaning of a hero? II. Body paragraph #1 Topic Sentence #1 A hero is defined as a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities. It is also defined as one who is distinct from ordinary people, an idealist person, who successfully overcame the problems and great difficulty.A. Supporting Evidence According to Merriam Dictionary and an academic Journal by Hazily they have defined what a hero is. B. Explanation I believe that is Just one part of the definition to being a hero. There are many more definitions as to what a hero is in todays society. C. So What? While hero is defined by the dictionary one way I believe a hero has evolved Into many different participants In society. We will write a custom essay sample on Debut Albums and Hero or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Sentence #2 Ill. Body paragraph #2 Topic How heroism has changed throughout the years? A.Supporting Evidence According to the academic Journal the concept of hero Is more Inclusive and Includes people from science, technology, politics, administration, arts, literature and sports (Hazily). B. Explanation I do believe a hero can be all of the above but one category Is missing and that Is the everyday person who does not receive any media recognition. C. So What? Although, the concept of hero has changed and It Is not only directed towards men It Is still lacking recognition to those who the media does not look at. IV.Body paragraph #3 Topic Sentence #3 Everyday heroism vs. media B. Explanation C. So What? V. Conclusion Although a hero Is portrayed differently In everybody eyes they are still known for the positive or negative Impact they had In someones life. Debut Albums and Hero By datagram While hero is defined by the dictionary one way I believe a hero has evolved into many different participants in society. According to the academic Journal the concept of hero is more inclusive and includes people from science, technology, politics, administration, arts, literature and sports (Hazily).B. Explanation I do believe a hero can be all of the above but one category is missing and that is the Although, the concept of hero has changed and it is not only directed towards men it is still lacking recognition to those who the media does not look at. V. Body paragraph #3 Topic Sentence #3 Although a hero is portrayed differently in everybody eyes they are still known for the positive or negative impact they had in someones life.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Pope Point Evidence Explanation free essay sample
Jessie Pope creates an image of the war as a game in her poem. This is apparent in the first line, Whos for the game, the biggest thats played. In this line she is referring to the Great War as a game that is being played. This has the effect of toning down the severity of the War by implying that the War is merely a game and everyone should join in the fun. She is asking her readers if they would like to join and creates a sense of excitement and enthusiasm that would have the effect Of encouraging the men to sign up.The use Of the privative biggest implies that no other game can compare to this one and also emphasizes the grandeur and scale of it. It would also lead men to believe that everyone is playing in the game which would help to persuade them to be a part of it and ultimately sign up for the War. We will write a custom essay sample on Pope Point Evidence Explanation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Pope persuades men to sign up by making it sound like its the many thing to do. She asks, (verse 1) In these lines she uses rugby vocabulary and pronouns to make the reader feel like popes use of rhetorical questions helps the target audience to engage with the poem and leads them to the decision she wants.Pope asks in verse 2 . The rhetorical question forces the reader to consider their own answer in their head, making them engage more meaningfully with the poem. The use of contrast here leads to audience to Pope uses a friendly, conversational tone in the poem to help persuade her audience.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Harrison Bergeron Essays
Harrison Bergeron Essays Harrison Bergeron Essay Harrison Bergeron Essay In the short story, ‘Harrison Bergeron’, the author Kurt Vonnegut has presented his views concerning the nature of American society. The author has presented a critique of the possible future of the American society. The main theme of this story is egalitarianism. Through this story, the author mocks at the attempt to bring uniformity by ironically presenting the method of bringing equality between the individuals in the American society. However, it is important to remember that imposed uniformity or equality destroys all individuality and creative abilities. This story can be considered as the critique of the idea that the greatest ideal is to establish equality, by using any means, between individuals in the society. This criticism of the contemporary society is brought out when the author begins the story with the statement that : â€Å"The year was 2081, and everybody was finally equal†. (Vonnegut, para 1). This statement can be considered as the thesis of the author that egalitarianism is not that acceptable as it destroys the creative abilities of the individuals. The government, according to this story, introduced amendments to the constitution, according to which all beautiful , capable, and talented individuals were required to reduce their rare abilities in order to establish an egalitarian society. The charge of bringing about this equality is given to given to United States Handicapper General. The term ‘handicapper’ is significant because it implies that the people with less abilities were given the power to reduce the strengths of those people who possessed greater abilities. It is interesting to note that instead of improving the ability of people, the administration attempts to lower the abilities of people, and perhaps this is the only way to build an egalitarian society. : The author refers to the family of George and Hazel Bergeron and their son Harrison. Hazel â€Å"had a perfectly average intelligence†(Vonnegut, para 3), which was ideal for the present American society which demanded less from the people. On the other hand George, who was intelligent, â€Å"had a little mental handicap radio in his ear†. (Vonnegut, para 3)He was supposed to wear this transmitter as there was a possibility of George taking advantage of his intellectual abilities. The reference to Hazel and George is the perfect example of the attitude of the government towards the people who possessed better intellect. George’s intellectual ability was reduced by the transmitter given by the government. On the other hand, Hazel did not have any obligation to wear such instruments, as she possessed lesser abilities. George and Hazel are presented as discussing the TV program, and the problem caused to George due to the instrument that created noise in his ears. However, Hazel is jealous of George because she was not given the facility of wearing such an instrument. However, George is not able to get rid of the mental handicap because this may encourage him to compete with other people, and according government laws, it is not proper to compete with other individuals in the society. It is stated that: â€Å"†¦pretty soon we’d be right back to the dark ages again, with everybody competing against everybody else†.(Vonnegut, para 29) This statement shows that competition is forbidden in such a society where one can find perfect law and order situation. The description of ballerina shows that she possessed great talents, but she was compelled to wear â€Å"handicap bags†which were â€Å"as big as those worn by two-hundred pound men†. (Vonnegut, para 40) The TV announcement gives information pertaining to Harrison Bergeron who possessed genius like talents. He was considered by his parents as abnormal. A person who possessed extraordinary physical and intellectual talents was considered as abnormal. Harrison was not yet handicapped, and this had increased his capacity to threaten the society which gave importance to equality among individuals. It is mentioned that Harrison was imprisoned for his abilities, and the bad news was that he had escaped from the prison. The TV announcement shows the photograph of Harrison in order to inform the viewers that dangerous Harrison may destroy the stability of the egalitarian American society. The government had attempted to reduce the beauty and positive qualities of Harrison as the author makes the statement that: â€Å"†¦but Harrison looked like a walking junkyard. In the race of life, Harrison carried three hundred pounds†. (Vonnegut, para 45) These lines show the attempt made by the government to reduce the abilities of the individuals. In the meantime, it is found that Harrison was able to attack the TV studio. The author presents Harrison as the person who tried to protest the attempt of the government to reduce his abilities. Harrison smashed his handicap bag, and destroyed the headphones and spectacles which had created problems for his physical and intellectual freedom. Harrison showed his contempt for government laws by dancing and enjoying the music. He also removed the mental and physical handicaps of ballerinas and musicians. However, in the end the Handicap General appears in the scene with double–barreled shot gun,and she killed Harrison and his companion. With this, the government had gained upper hand over those people who tried to abandon the law of the land. This short story has provided the critique of those people who demanded special concessions for the people with lesser abilities in order to create equality among different individuals in the society. The author has indirectly criticized the attempt of the modern government and other people to destroy racial, gender, and other differences. This story presents a hypothetical picture wherein the government controlled by the people with lesser abilities may destroy the ability of others in order to protect their selfish motives. It criticizes the government’s attempt to interfere in the relationship between individuals in the society.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Methodological Rigor Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Methodological Rigor - Assignment Example Self-selection develops when there is no representation of the samples. The self-selection process gives discretion to the subjects to belong to any group without proper consideration of representation (Vogt, 2007). Essentially, subjects in the study can decide the group to belong, or individuals may assign themselves. The third threat to validity in quantitative research is the volunteer effects (Vogt, 2007). The threat develops when individuals do not give consent for them to be studied. The subjects who participate in the study give different information from the ones who do not give consent. The communication among subjects exhibits multiple complications and can extensively alter information. Maturation occurs due to more time being spent in a study. History effect is a validity threat because it results in extended time being surpassed during a research study (Christensen et al., 2011). There are diverse ways through which the inherent validity threats to quantitative research can be mitigated. Vogt (2007) notes that it is important for a researcher to individual assign subjects to respective groups to deter self-selection. Subjects should be screened carefully to avoid attrition effect. History effect is a fundamental problem that can be dealt with by ensuring that the measurements are taken on every interval. Subjects should not be allowed to control the proceedings of a study (Vogt, 2007). Statistical power refers to the capability of a test to determine with precision an effect and the authenticity of its existence (Black, 1999). Statistical power aid in reducing type I and II errors by correctly determining existence of a relationship or effect (Black, 1999). Ideally, it reduces the incorrect rejection of a null hypothesis in type I error (Peck et al., 2011). Consequently, it reduces the rejection of a null hypothesis because it correctly determines the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
'local governance creates problems for accountability both to citizens Essay
'local governance creates problems for accountability both to citizens and to consumers' - Essay Example Some of the issues analyzed in the report include the ideas around accountability, ideas around the change of accountability to public services, accountability around citizens and accountability around consumers. The report looks into the new initiative by the Bridgend County Borough Council called  Children and Young People's Partnership and the implications this new program may have on the council’s accountability. Furthermore, the chances of a accountability disequilibrium arising out of a discord between the demands made by the citizens and consumers, and the probable  deficiencies in supplying those demands by the council, is detailed in the report. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..4 Children and Young People†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚ ¬ ¦4 Bridgend County Children & Young People’s Partnership†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.5 Bridgend County Borough Council and Accountability†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...7 Accountability of Partnerships†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦7 Problems Created by Accountability of Partnerships†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...8 Ideas Around Accountability†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...9 Ideas Around the Change of Accountability to Public Services†¦..10 Accountability Around Consumers†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦11 Accountability Around Citizens†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..13 Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢ € ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.14 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.16 Introduction Bridgend County Borough Council was established under the Local Government Act 1994. With a total population accounting to 130,000 people it was formed on 1st April 1996. Bridgend basically aims at improving the living conditions of everyone and providing them with a quality life. They also aim at protecting and improving the pathetic condition of our environment (Bridgend County Borough Council, 2011). Children and young people are the future of every country, so the upbringing and the condition of the young brigade should be of prime importance for everyone. Bridgend County Borough Council aims at amending the lives of both the children and the young people. With the Children And Young People's Partnership, they have been working very hard to make the B ridgend County's children and young people's life better by involving not only the children and the youth but also teachers, care takers, parents, local authority, and voluntary committees. Children and Young People The partnership aims at giving full opportunity to every child and youth to flourish and prosper. The Bridgend County Borough Council intents at giving all the children and young people of the county of Bridgend benefits to lead a good life with the help of the following Seven Core Goals :-  · Have A Flying Start To Life: This means that they are born into a secure and a loving family who takes care of all their needs and requirements.  · Be Healthy And Free From Exploitation: This means that they do not get exploited in any way from anyone and remain healthy and secured.  · Access Play, Leisure, Sporting And Cultural Activities: By this we mean that they are given the right to enjoy their lives and be allowed to participate as per their will, irrespective of their talent and abilities.  · Have Access To Appropriate Educational And Learning Opportunities: This means that
Monday, November 18, 2019
Trust & equity law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Trust & equity law - Essay Example According to the court in this case â€Å"Charity in its legal sense comprises four principal divisions: trusts for the relief of poverty, trust for the advancement of education, trusts for the advancement of religion, and trusts for other purposes beneficial to the community, not falling under any of the preceding heads."4 Later on, these four principal divisions mentioned in the case together with some other provisions were incorporated in the Charities Act of 1992 and 1993. However, the definition given under the law was not clear enough so as to clearly elucidate on the issue of which organizations should be considered as charities. The case of McGovern v Attorney General (1982)5 illustrated the difficulties of obtaining charitable status. Note that in this case, the Amnesty International seek establish a charitable trust which is geared towards securing the release of prisoners, abolish the practices of torture and other dehumanizing acts as well as to do some research in the a reas of human rights protection and maintenance.6 Unfortunately, in this case, the charitable trust was not recognized by law as valid not because the goal was not a noble one but rather because the goals set by Amnesty International was not entirely charitable as it also includes some political motives such as the changing of policies in some countries which are in violation of human rights. On the other hand, in the earlier decision on the case of Re South Place Ethical Society (1980)7, the Court considered the charitable trust as valid not on the ground that the South Place Ethical Society â€Å"seeks the advancement of religion†8 but because it can be classified as an educational institution. This decision gives us an idea on how one could go around the provisions of the Charities Act 1993 and take advantage of the benefits accorded to charities. The enactment of the Charities Act 2006 heralded
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Human resource strategy proposal for bp
Human resource strategy proposal for bp 1.1 Introduction The changes in business and the impact of globalisation on increased competitiveness have pushed organisations to incorporate a strategic approach to human resource management (HRM) to achieve competitive advantage. Strategy is defined by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), ([Online].(Accessed 05 Mar. 2011) as a plan that integrates the goals, policies and action of an organisation into a cohesive whole. Fundamentally strategy is concerned with achieving a competitive advantage. By adopting a strategic approach to HRM, organisations seek to manage its human resources in a coherent approach that replicate the business strategy. CIPD views strategic HRM from two main perspectives, CIPD, [Online].( 05 Mar. 11); The ways in which an organisation achieves its business goals by putting in place activities that support and guide employees behaviour. And the manner in which the human resources and activities are planned to achieve the business goals. Therefore, strategic HRM is an integrated approach that aligns the internal and external context of an organisation for organisational performance, that is, a strategic fit between strategic intent and organisation resources. In order to suggest an appropriate human resource strategy for BPs human resource issues (appendix), this paper shall adopt an integrated approach to the various views of strategic HRM; Best Fit, Resource Based and Best Practices approach. 1.2 Best Fit The best fit view is all about the vertical integration. It is a contingency view in which an organisation links its business strategy (external market) and individual performance (internal environment) to create an effective HR policies and practices and achieve competitive advantage. Beardwell J and Claydon T., Human Resource Management: A contemporary Approach (Prentice Hall, 2010) used the life cycle and competitive advantage model to explain the best fit approach. The life cycle model links the appropriate HR practices to the different stages in the life cycle of a business. This model suggests that the HR policies at start up will differ with those during an organisations growth, mature and decline phase. Drawing evidence from BPs website, a statistical review in June 2010 by then BPs CEO, Tony Howard, BP,([Online ].(Accessed 05 Mar.2011), shows a sharp decline on record in global energy consumption and falling energy prices caused by global recession which is likely to continue in the long term. This decline in global energy consumption will affect energy companies especially BP which is a major player in the energy market with its huge global presence. Assuming this trend continues as predicted, this would set BPs business life cycle at its mature or decline phase. This means the HR strategy for BP will be one of downsizing and redundancy of employees but which needs to retain viability and contribute to sustainable competitive advantage. This dual strategy will enable BP to master the present while preparing for the future eventualities. A proposed strategy will be to retain high performance staff, recruit less and train staffs to multi task. On the other hand, the competitive advantage model argues that HR practices work best when adapted to the competitive strategy; Redman T and Wilkinson A., Contemporary Human Resource Management (Prentice Hall, 2009). The model identifies three types of strategic behaviour which can be linked to BPs HR practices: defenders, prospectors and analysers. Defenders operate in small niche market producing high quality products and services backed by high prices. Prospectors are more flexible and use innovative strategy to change product line quite often. Analysers are less innovative but stable and efficient and will only enter the market when it is risk free. Evidence from BPs website, ([Online].(Accessed 05 Mar. 2011) shows that innovations and technology and an efficient energy are a priority to tackle the challenges to meet energy demand and environmental concern. Therefore, to gain competitive advantage BP could adopt a dual strategy of make defender and buy prospector to remain both innovative and efficient at a lower operating cost. That is a make strategy that invests in employees to seek efficiency and a buy strategy for new technology to remain innovative in the market. This is a similar dual strategy approach that has been successfully used by the Singapore Airlines (SIA), ([Online].(Accessed 05 Mar. 2011) that adopts a cost reduction strategy while providing premium services. The best fit view has been strongly criticised for its lack of flexibility in a dynamic changing environment. To achieve dynamic fit and given that BP is; an innovative, a high risk taker, results oriented, flexible to change, quality and process focus company, it should develop a human capital pool with these broad range of skills that will promote behavioural flexibility among its employees. This should help solve the problem of flexibility in changing environment. 1.3 Resource Based View (RBV) The resource based view is a paradigm shift from the best fit approach that draws on the internal resources of an organisation. It is particularly applicable in unpredictable external environment and focuses on achieving uniqueness and sustainable competitive advantage through the manipulation of an organisations resources. The VRIO (Value, Rarity, Inimitable, Organisation) framework, Beardwell J. and Claydon T., Human Resource Management: A contemporary Approach (Prentice Hall, 2010), is a useful tool to explain RBV relationship and formulation of a strategy. Value is all about the impact of HR contribution through improved customer service and customer added value. Rarity is simply to exploit rare characteristics of the firms human resources to gain competitive advantage. Inimitability means recognising an organisations unique history and culture to develop unique practices and behaviours that make it difficult for competitors to copy. Organisation is integrating internal resources into a coherent system so that they can capitalise on adding value, rarity and inimitability. The VRIO framework has been successfully used by the Singapore Airlines, ([Online].(Accessed 05 Mar. 2011) to develop a set of unique characteristics such as replacing its fleets more frequently than do its competitors. As a result, its fleet is young and energy efficient and operates at a lower cost. BPs website ( .[Online].(Accessed 05 Mar. 2011) shows that BP is very keen on deep sea exploration, an activity other energy companies are afraid to venture into. Using this approach, BP can make deep sea exploration its unique culture and develop unique practices such as training and developing deep sea specialists to make it difficult for its competitors to copy. Implementing HR policies has been a key issue highlighted with the RBV and BP can overcome this by creating opportunities that will improve the discretionary behaviour of both line managers and employees such as; team working, training and development schemes, long term employment security and better pay structure. 1.4 Best Practice Best practice or high commitment human resource practices are a distinctive set of successful HR practices which firms can adopt irrespective of their setting and which will lead to improvement in performance. Due to the global economic crisis, most organisations are now adopting a policy of negotiating reduced wages to maintain job security and employment commitment. In same way, BP can adopt this best practice and integrate it with others that are specific to its needs. The BPs career webpage; What BP is Looking For, ([Online].(Accessed 11 Mar. 2011), shows that BP is committed to developing leaders and supporting its employees through continuous improvement. Therefore, the appropriate best practices for BP should focus on enhancing the skill base of employees and this could be achieved through HR activities such as; introducing succession planning scheme to train future leaders, comprehensive training and development opportunities, selective staffing, results based performance and working in teams. 1.5 Recommended Strategy and Main Features The recommended human resource strategy for BP to adopt will be one that integrates all the key features of best fit, RBV and best practice views proposed above and as explained in the table below. Key Strategic Features Explanation Leadership Qualities A Priority Management should introduce comprehensive leadership training and development programmes. A succession planning scheme should be encouraged and practiced. Recruitment process should be selective and make leadership qualities a priority A Deep Sea Organisational Culture Employees should be encouraged to be innovative, take risk, results oriented, flexible to change, quality and process focus. There should be continuous training for specialists and high investment in deep sea exploration. Management should invest in employees to seek efficiency. Combined Organisational and Industrial Best Policy and Practice Retain high performance staff, recruit less and train staff to multi task. Negotiate reduce wages to maintain job security and employment commitment Continuous training programme for all employees to develop a broad range of skills. Team working should be encouraged to improve on discretionary behaviour. 1.6 Conclusion Strategic HRM is a complex process which is constantly evolving. The HRM strategy identified above is unique to BP in terms of the evidence found from its website and its major human resource issues discussed during the module session. The strategy adopts an integrated approach of best fit and resource based incorporating best practice as seen fit. Given that the economy is constantly changing, flexibilities have been imbued in the proposed strategy to make it dynamically feasible. 2.0 STRATEGIC RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS 2.1 Introduction The biggest asset in any organisation is its people. In order to remain a high performance company and stay competitive, BP needs to attract and nurture the right people with the right talent and right leadership qualities. Therefore, BPs HR practices and policies will play an important role for managing its people and achieving its business objectives. The challenges faced by BP to manage its people can be categorised as, BP,([Online].(Accessed 02 Mar. 2011); Attracting, developing and retaining talent. Shortage of skilled personnel. Developing a true leadership. Developing corporate social responsibility Transferring key knowledge and relationships. Responding to these challenges, BP has introduced a number of initiatives; BP, ( [Online].(Accessed 02 Mar. 2011). Though these measures are good, a strategic recruitment and selection process can be adopted to tackle these challenges. 2.2 Strategic Recruitment and Selection Process. According to a survey by CIPD, Annual Survey Report 2007: Recruitment, Retention and Turnover (CIPD, 2007) only 51% of the organisations surveyed in the UK had a resourcing strategy. Given that eight in ten of the employers ranked recruiting as a top priority in resourcing, it becomes imperative for BP to develop a recruiting strategy. To source the right type of employees, BP can select its talents internally, externally, use a combination of both or adopt alternative methods. The internal approach is a traditional method where employees are given priorities for unfilled vacancies before an external source is considered. The advantage with this method is that it motivates employees, improves their morale and provides them with opportunities for career progression. However, internal sourcing is expensive and generally leads to inbreeding and lack of creativity while external recruitment brings in fresh ideas and skills by hiring employees with different backgrounds. Whatever method BP decides to use, it is crucial that BP adopts a strategic approach that will identify the skills required before selecting the most suitable people to meet the human resource needs of an organisation; Boxall P. and Purcell J., Strategy and Human Resource Management, (Palgrave Macmillan, 2003). Furthermore, Beardwell J. and Claydon T., Human Resource Management: A Contemporary Approach (Prentice Hall, 2010) emphasis this need of a strategic approach as a prime source of competitive advantage to ensure the organisation has the right people in the right place at the right time. The strategic recruitment and selection process include techniques that stretch from attracting, selection and induction. 2.2.1 Attracting Talents: BPs Brand Strategy CIPD, ( .[Accessed 03 Mar. 2011) defined employers brand; as a set of attributes and qualities often intangible that makes an organisation distinctive, promises a particular kind of employment experience, and appeals to those people who will thrive and perform best in its culture BPs brand strategy will depend on its brand strength and how it differs from its competitors. A useful strategic approach is that by CIPD: A no-nonsense approach, ([Online].(Accessed 03 Mar. 2011). In this step-by-step approach, BP will first need to investigate by communicating with top management, the employees, and external talent sources to understand the true perception of its employees experience. Secondly, BP should use the feedbacks from this investigation to create a distinctive Value Propositions (VP); a unique and compelling offer by BP to attract, retain and engage the employees in return for their performance. A suggested unique and compelling VP for BP is shown in fig 1 below; Next BP is to make sure it can deliver on its brand promise. By doing this and thinking about the employees experience not only from the recruitment stage but through induction to actual work life experience, BP will be using its employees to sell itself in a process known as employee branding. Therefore a good employee branding should be reflective of the employee experience as shown in fig 2 below; Finally BP will need to continuously measure, evaluate and review its brand strategy to make sure it is delivering real value. This will be reflected through increase in application and enquiries, employees going the extra mile, and advocating for BP. 2.2.2 Strategic Recruiting Methods Globalisation and the global economic recession have pushed many employers to search creative employment channels and target a diverse application group. A CIPD report, Annual Survey Report 2007: Recruitment, Retention and Turnover (CIPD, 2007) indicated that local newspaper and corporate website were still favourite routes used by most employers. But due to technological changes and employees preference for a more flexible approach, organisations are now resorting to online recruitment techniques such as social networking sites like Facebook because they are cost effective and faster. BP a strong promoter of diversity, ([Online].(Accessed 05 Mar. 2011), can win the war on diversity by creating a diverse recruitment policy that is inclusive of both the traditional (newspapers and corporate website) channels plus mainstream recruiting channels. Fig 3 portrays the diversity recruitment process; To use both traditional and mainstream recruiting methods such as; Newspapers, Universities, E-recruitment, social networking sites, career fairs, and iPhone, to develop a heterogeneous group of applicants. Top management to become involved and support line managers in implementation. To provide management with diversity training. To keep altering recruitment practice so as to avoid recruiting every time from same social background and age groups in case it discriminates against certain job seekers. 2.2.3 Strategic Selection Techniques Strategic recruitment is a continuous process and includes adopting the right selection techniques. There are different techniques organisations have used to select potential employees: interviews, integrity test, curriculum vitae, assessment centres and psychometric tests. CIPD, Annual Survey Report 2007: Recruitment, Retention and Turnover (CIPD, 2007) reported that local newspapers and corporate websites were still favourite routes used by most employers though the psychometric and assessment centres have been popular. Whatever method BP chooses, it is important that the method is reliable and valid. Reliability measures the accuracy and consistency of the selection test while validity measures its predictability. The psychometric test has typically been associated with the best practice for employee selection; Redman T and Wilkinson A, Contemporary Human Resource Management (Prentice Hall, 2009). The psychometric tests are designed to accurately measure a candidates knowledge, abilities and personality traits. These tests have become popular with recruiters because they are designed to be reliable and predictable and are effective for handling large volumes of applicants. Assessment centres on the other hand focus on behaviours required for the job and involves candidates completing a number of different tasks as part of the selection process; CIPD, ([Online].(Accessed 05 Mar. 11). BP website shows its corporate website is the preferred selection route; ( .[Online].(Accessed 05 Mar. 2011). But selection is more than just using a particular technique, BP needs to implement a strategic psychometric approach which takes into account a social framework that includes selection as best fit and as an interactive discussion process; Redman T and Wilkinson A., Contemporary Human Resource Management, (Prentice Hall, 2009). To adopt a best fit approach, BP will need to identity its unique qualities such as values and culture, employment patterns, market segment and use these qualities to differentiate it selection practices from a best practice approach. Furthermore, BP should make its selection process interactive. The HR department should exchange information with other managers that are directly affected. Moreover, negotiation with participants should be a two-way process and designed to be perceived as fair. That is; treating participants with respect and dignity, providing them with information and making them part of the whole process. In addition, it is important that BP should provide adequate training courses for all those involved in assessing candidates at all stages of the selection process and that they are adequately briefed about the jobs. 2.2.4 Induction It is the process whereby employees adjust to their jobs and working environment; CIPD, ([Online].(Accessed 05 Mar. 11). The purpose, which is to ensure a smooth integration of staff into the organisation. BP can make its induction process more effective by; Making induction a vital part of its recruitment process. Designing a well structured induction programme to ensure that all new recruits receive information consistent with BPs values and culture. Carrying out physical orientation to describe where the facilities are and an organisational orientation to show new employees the important role they play in the overall business strategy. Ensuring a quality welcome because employees develop lasting impressions within their first few weeks of working. In a nutshell, if BP decides to adopt a strategic recruitment and selection approach to tackle challenges in its people management it will be vital that BP differentiates its brand strategy from that of its competitors. Furthermore, BP should be able to determine its core competencies to determine the correct recruiting channel(s). Finally, how it assimilates its new employees speak loud about its culture and values. TOTAL WORD COUNT: 3000
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Gothic Theme in Chapter 5 of Frankenstein Essay -- Mary Shelley
Gothic Horror has been described as â€Å"delightful horror†. Focusing on Chapter 5 of Frankenstein, how has Shelley used the Gothic Genre to explore deeper issues? The term ‘Gothic’ conjures a range of possible meanings, definitions and associations. It explicitly denotes certain historical and cultural phenomena. Gothicism was part of the Romantic Movement that started in the eighteenth century and lasted about three decades into the nineteenth century. For this essay, the definition of Gothic that is applicable is: An 18th century literary style characterized by gloom and the supernatural. In the Gothic novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, a wide range of issues are explored. Frankenstein represents an entirely new vision of the female Gothic, along with many other traditional themes such as religion, science, colonialism and myth. Mary Shelley, the author of the novel Frankenstein, was born on August 30th 1797. He father, William Godwin, was a philosopher, and her mother was Mary Wollstonecraft, who is still well known for being an author and one of the first feminists. But unfortunately Mary Shelley’s mother died of puerperal fever ten days after giving birth to her daughter. As Mary’s father was a philosopher, Mary had to listen to many intellectual talks. Mary was strongly impressed by the brilliant talks she listened to since she was young as she was surrounded by famous writers and philosophers. The intellectual environment in which she lived stimulated her Romantic sensibility and the political revolutionary ideas of the time. Later on in life Mary married a man named Percy Bysshe Shelley. Percy was a poet and a member of the Romantic Movement. But unfortunately Mary had to elope with Shelley at the age of 16 as he was... ...t agitation, listening attentively, catching and fearing each sound as if it were to announce the approach of the demonical corpse which I had so miserably given life.†The archaic vocabulary such as â€Å"demonical†and â€Å"I took refuge†are not words or phrases that we would particularly use today but here it shows Victor’s own scientific and religious readings are perhaps too dated and too passionate. To conclude, I believe that this novel gives a warning to the reader. I believe that it is telling us not to push the boundaries of reality and not to tamper with things that would perhaps be better left alone, because the consequences are unknown, unpredictable and unnatural. It tells us that death and birth are things that in the modern world we just have to accept, and that we should not even attempt to exceed mortal limitations: Playing God should be left to God.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Organisation and Management †Assignment One Essay
For the purpose of this assignment I have chosen transport and logistics company Mainfreight Limited. I will be focusing specifically on the outbound night crew. This team is responsible for loading freight from the Wellington region onto trucks to be sent to branches across New Zealand. Inside this team there is one supervisor who works with the loading team on the floor also loading and is responsible for smooth daily operations. The mid level manager is the Operations Manager who is responsible for the supervisor and implementing organisational plans such as reducing damages to freight. The top manager in this case is the Branch Manager who sets goals for the branch and oversees planning for the future. Q1) An economic reason for a truck loading crew operating at night is that it’s cheaper to travel at night due to faster travel times and less fuel consumption for the trucks on empty roads I think this reason applies most strongly to my organisation because it will increase the profit. A social reason for the organisation is that there is less risk of accidents late at night on empty roads. A personal reason to form this organisation could be a love for trucks. Q2) Figurehead: The most well known figurehead of Mainfreight Wellington is the branch manager, an activity could be a speech at the grand opening, skills he would need include public speaking competency and reliability. Entrepreneur: The entrepreneur of the branch initiates innovative solutions and change to the organisation such as the branch manager diversifying from road transport to including rail or sea transportation. Some skills needed for this role are creativity and brevity. Resource allocator: Within my organisation this role is filled by the operations manager, who distributes resources such as equipment like forklifts and workers if needed to fulfill the crews workload. Some skills needed for this role are time management and planning ability. Disseminator: An activity a manager in this role might perform is gathering information from customers and producing estimates of freight quantities for the truck loaders who could then plan how they layout their loads. Skills need ed are the ability to gather and analyze information. Q3) ‘Soldiering’ by Frederick Taylor is when workers purposely limit output by not working to full capacity in order to avoid causing redundancies and to avoid losing incentive pay by exceeding required performance levels. The impacts of workers ‘soldiering’ on my organisation could mean that if there is a large influx of freight and workers don’t load it all that night, the delay could anger the customer who will then take their business elsewhere. If workers are soldiering performance will not be maximized and low productivity could cause a fall in capital investment and the eventual decline of the business. Q4) ‘Time and motion studies’ streamline task processes by reducing inefficient motions and then once the task process has been adjusted through motion studies the time studies then seeks to reflect a standard length of time in which the refined task process should be completed. Time and Motion studies’ are a technique to increase task efficiency by workers to increase the output with no greater physical effort. An impact of T&M studies on my organisation is that incoming freight is placed in bays so loaders do not have to go back and forth to the unloading area.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Free Essays on Satire In Connecticut Yankee
The story A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court was written by Mark Twain. Mark Twain is an author known for all of his best-selling novels, also, for the satire used in his stories. Satire is poking fun at a social custom, political practice, individual, or an organization in an attempt to get people to recognize and correct a problem. There were many instances that satire was used in both Twain and Malory’s version. Hank fools everyone into thinking that he has magical powers. One of the biggest tricks he pulled was when he was getting ready to get executed. He told them that he would take the sun away from them, but they ended up moving the execution up a day, therefore, there was no eclipse. Somehow though, they had gotten the date mixed up and it really was time for the eclipse. So he tricked them into believing that he was taking the sun away from them, and they named him chief executive. Also, Merlin tries telling everyone that Hank really doesn’t have any magical talents. To get back at him Hank locks Merlin in jail, and is going to blow up his castle. Hank tells Clarence his plan, and Clarence decides to help him. They fill the tower with gun powder, and wait for a thunderstorm. When the storm does finally come, Merlin tries casting spells that will overcome Hanks, but the lightening strikes, and blows up the tower. Finally, everyone is convinced that Hank is magical. Hank also made a telephone system, but only the people that he wanted to know about it did. He used this for to his advantage when he has to call for help. My favorite thing though, was when the Nobles were at the feast and they were betting on dog fights. They were rude, obnoxious, and dirty. The best thing about it was that the women were behaving the exact same way. These are a few examples of how satire, which is poking fun at social customs, individuals, or organizations to fix a problem, is used. I believe that satire mak... Free Essays on Satire In Connecticut Yankee Free Essays on Satire In Connecticut Yankee The story A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court was written by Mark Twain. Mark Twain is an author known for all of his best-selling novels, also, for the satire used in his stories. Satire is poking fun at a social custom, political practice, individual, or an organization in an attempt to get people to recognize and correct a problem. There were many instances that satire was used in both Twain and Malory’s version. Hank fools everyone into thinking that he has magical powers. One of the biggest tricks he pulled was when he was getting ready to get executed. He told them that he would take the sun away from them, but they ended up moving the execution up a day, therefore, there was no eclipse. Somehow though, they had gotten the date mixed up and it really was time for the eclipse. So he tricked them into believing that he was taking the sun away from them, and they named him chief executive. Also, Merlin tries telling everyone that Hank really doesn’t have any magical talents. To get back at him Hank locks Merlin in jail, and is going to blow up his castle. Hank tells Clarence his plan, and Clarence decides to help him. They fill the tower with gun powder, and wait for a thunderstorm. When the storm does finally come, Merlin tries casting spells that will overcome Hanks, but the lightening strikes, and blows up the tower. Finally, everyone is convinced that Hank is magical. Hank also made a telephone system, but only the people that he wanted to know about it did. He used this for to his advantage when he has to call for help. My favorite thing though, was when the Nobles were at the feast and they were betting on dog fights. They were rude, obnoxious, and dirty. The best thing about it was that the women were behaving the exact same way. These are a few examples of how satire, which is poking fun at social customs, individuals, or organizations to fix a problem, is used. I believe that satire mak...
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